Wozzy for Congress

Day 1,159, 07:18 Published in Canada Canada by Wojciech Woznicki

Yes, I'm running for congress from DAL's list in Saskatchewan.

Underneath is my manifesto. You can find the original here - http://pokazywarka.pl/idamvg-2/

A new face on the Canadian political scene.

Greetings everyone. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Wojciech Woznicki, more widely known as 'Wozzy'.

As most of you probably know, I am currently the Polish Ambassador to eCanada. I have lived in Canada for the majority of my eLife and I consider myself an active member of the Canadian society and its political scene. In real life I am 15 years old, I'm Polish but I live in London,UK.

So why should YOU vote for ME ?
I am a fairly young player in eRepublic (Level 20) but I guarantee you that you will not find many players or congressmen that are so devoted to making Canada a better place. I believe I have all the needed qualifications and the experience needed for the job. My work in the Polish Foregn Ministry gained me considerable knowledge of International Relations and ways of creating an efficient and organised team of ambassadors. Foreign affairs is the area of both my passion and expertise hence I believe I could be a useful addition to the the congress and a good advisor to the MOFA. I am also fluent in Polish, English and I speak Spanish quite well.

So without further ado I present to you my manifesto.

1) I believe that the government should continue lowering the income tax and replacing it with VAT. A perfect compromise would leave Canadian citizens with more money in their pockets then before, which would increase demand but also attract more migrants to Canada thus increasing our population.

2) The reform in the Canadian Foreign Office needs a bigger amount of support from the central government. More ambassadors should be recruited to represent Canadian national interests throughout the world or at least in the most influential and powerful countries of eRepublic. Canada has the potential to be a world power in this game but in order for this to happen the eWorld needs to see that Canada is aspiring to be viewed as such. In this, MoFA plays the key role.

3) Transparency and communication. Two things that are so lacking in the relations between the congress/ cabinet and the Canadian society. I would support any projects which would aim to end those shortcomings. By this I mean things like: More reliable and people friendly government spokesmen. Official newspapers published weekly by the different departments of the government to bring people up to date on their actions.

I would also like to take this occasion to thank the DAL for letting me run for congress 🙂

If you would like to ask me any more questions please don't hesitate.

Thank you in advance for the support and please vote 🙂

Yours truly

Wojciech Woznicki (better known as Wozzy 😛 )