World in Flames: Day 937-940 - Phoenix attacks Spain, EDEN counters at Liaoning

Day 940, 21:27 Published in USA USA by Cecil Knight

Introducing Knight News: World in Flames - 11th edition
See World in Flames in Chinese!

I'll say it here: I am human, I don't have inner access to the inner workings of either alliance, so I could be wrong. If I'm not sure what is going on, I usually preface it with the word “guess” or “i don't know.” Anyway the disclaimer is over.

Despite my personal affiliations, I try my best to keep my analysis as neutral and unbiased as I can.

I've spoken briefly with Mainegreen, and he's given me permission to use his symbol list. I figure it makes the maps a little easier to look at to know what's going on. Here's the symbol map with a few changes I like.

My last featured article, What Will Poland Do? Seemed to be pretty popular. I have a good idea for a new featured article, and I will work to release it this weekend .I will try to have featured articles like that every now and then when I can think of a good story to write about. If you have any ideas, feel free to mail me. Also feel free to add me as a friend. I love friends, and you'll see me shout when I update my articles. 🙂

Important Battles of Week Day 937-940
I do apologize but the frequency of my papers will go down to probably a weekly event until my boss decides to stop making us work 12 hour days. Writing a single article of World in Flames takes me on average two to three hours, and I simply can't fit it in a 24 hour day working so much. I will continue to release articles every weekend, and I hope up my frequency to at least once every 2 or 3 days as soon as I am able. Because of the length of time since my last article I will only cover battles and overall wars of note.
The world has literally exploded the past few days, with Phoenix launching a major offensive against Spain's holdings in France of Rhone Alps and Aquitaine. EDEN countered with an offense against Serbia's Liaonong.

France attacks Aquitaine.

In a joint strike with Hungary (see below), France attacked and conquered the high wood region of Aquitaine in a major victory. France has, in the past attempted to take Aquitaine and Rhone Alps, but was defeated by the larger Spain. It seems this time around Spain's deployable military branches decided to not fight in Aquitaine, but are instead fighting in EDEN's counterattack at Liaoning.

Hungary Land Swaps across Europe to liberate Rhone Alps, Spain

In a surprise move midday 938 Hungary land swapped with Austria and Switzerland to attack Rhone Alps, Spain. The offense was first started with Hungary resistance warring Moravia back to the Czech Republik, removing it's border with Poland. Then first, Hungary turned over several of it's own sovereign territories to Austria, removing their borders with both Croatia and Romania. No longer having borders with any EDEN nation who could initiative block them, Hungary then land swapped through Austria, and the PTO'd and now Phoenix friendly nation of Switzerland. Hungary then attacked Slovakia to gain a free war with Spain. With a war now open, Hungary finally attacked Rhone Alps.

Rhone Alps, a sovereign territory of France, was along with Aquitaine conquered by Spain when France was invaded several months ago. At the same time Poland had conquered Germany, Spain gave Rhone Alps to Poland, who made the high wood region a major industrial area. Poland lost Rhone Alps after several attacks by Slovenia, backed by 6 or so MPPs in what was at the time the highest damage battle in eRepublik. Spain risked setting off Brazil's large MPP list to attack Slovenia and reacquired Rhone Alps and has remained in their hands till today, when Hungary successfully conquered Rhone Alps after Spain decided not to contest it.

Hungary's conquest of Rhone Alps also gives Hungary a high region other than Grain. With their economy having greatly suffered after the loss of Heilongjiang (Hello Kitty) several weeks back, Rhone Alps will likely be a boost to their economy. No EDEN nation borders Rhone Alps either, making it a fairly safe region as long as France is willing to let Hungary hold onto it (thanks to Devill to pointing this out to me).

China attacks Liaoning, Serbia

In what is perhaps one of the greatest “double jeopardy” moves in eRepublik, it appears EDEN has decided not to engage Phoenix in Rhone Alps and Aquitaine, but has instead used the battle as a distraction to attack Liaoning. This move is a huge sacrifice for Spain as they have no high wood region of their own and have just lost the two that was in their possession. In any case Liaoning is now the battle everyone is watching. Will Spain's efforts be the trigger that finally removes Serbia from China, or will their sacrifice be in vain? As of this posting the wall of Liaoning currently stands at over 2.6 million, but without question both sides are holding back a lot of firepower until the final minutes of the battle. By tomorrow time will tell if the gambit was worth it. Either way I'm fairly confident this article will be overwhelmed by trolling articles of the victor 🙂

To accomplish this attack on Serbia, joint operations where done by the USA, China, and Canada. Just after the attack on Spain's holdings, Russia initiative blocked China, USA, and Finland by attacking Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Alaska, and Oulu. Likely these attacks were meant to serve as damage drains. The USA retreated from Alaska, opening a shared border between Canada and Alaska. Canada then attacked Russia, initiative blocking them. China then retreated from the battles of Jilin and Inner Mongolia. While they are unable to attack Russia for 24 hours, since they are no longer under attack they are able to attack other countries. This broke the initiative block on China, allowing them to attack Serbia's Liaoning. Canada's attack (and the resistance war started shortly after) prevents Russia from retreating Alaska and keeps them initiative blocked, preventing them from attacking further Chinese regions.

Serbia conquers Pyongan, North Korea

see southern most attack/land swap
As part of the Phoenix wargames all Phoenix nations have an open war with North Korea. Serbia likely noticed the movements by America and Canada to initiative block Russia, and as added insurance they have attacked and conquered Pyongan, which neighbors Liaoning. In case Liaoning does fall to China, this gives Serbia a continued presence in Asia with the possibility of retaking the region, although this action would activate all of China's powerful MPP list.

Brazil Attacks Northern Cape, South Africa

In unquestionably a damage drain, Brazil has attacked Northern Cape, South Africa (again).

Romania attacks Eastern Serbia, Serbia;Croatia attacks Vojvodina, Serbia;Croatia attacks

In another attempted damage drain, Romania has attacked Eastern Siberia while Croatia has attacked Vojvodina. Croatia has also attacked Inner Carniola Slovenia in another damage drain attack. Croatia's attack on Serbia is notable as Croatia has a large MPP list against Serbia for some time. Several times in the past Croatia has attempted to land swap to Asia to use this MPP list to attack Serbia's Asian holdings. Unfortunately for Croatia they are surrounded by hostile nations and all of Croatia's attempts to land swap out have failed. It looks like Croatia has finally given up on that dream by attacking Serbia and giving up the advantage their MPP list had.

India attacks Sindh, Serbia; RW in Sindh, Serbia

India has started another damage drain against Serbia themselves with an attack and a resistance war on Sindh. Some part of Pakistan has been under Serbian control since they land bridged into Asia and conquered Liaoning. Sindh serves as the emergency backup for Serbia, and a closer launching pad than their own sovereign territory in eastern Europe. An Indian victory here (or a victory with the RW) while not in itself significant, would limit Serbia's holdings to Liaoning and North Korea.

United Kingdom attacks Nordjylland, Norway

Another damage draining attack, the UK attacked Nordjylland. So far this is the only damage draining attack to succeed, although it is only a moral victory, as the neutral nation of Denmark seems to have have little interest in it's own territory save for it's capital in Hovedstaden. I imagine either the UK will resistance war Nordjylland back to Denmark to keep it out of EDEN hands, or in a few days time Poland, Sweden, or Norway will attack and attempt to reclaim the territory.

Other Battles
There have been plenty of other battles that have gone on the past few days, but most of them are of little purpose, being either training wars, unsuccessful resistance wars, or battles of little long term note.

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It seems some of my Chinese viewers are having problems with tinypic so now I'm using Photobucket, which is a little more cumbersome to use but not too bad. And if you are curious, I make my arrows with stacked drop shadow effects, and I use drop shadows and glow effects on my icons.

Cecil Knight
eUSA Army Group West
25/4 Tropic Lightning

The North American University has Returned!

Army Group West
Federalist Pony Express
USA Pony Express

<3 Lieutenant Scheisskopf, you will be missed.