ooooooooppppppaaaaaaaaaaa! SVOBODA!

Day 785, 00:47 Published in Slovenia Hungary by montaigne

Dear citizens of Liberated eSlovenia!

I wish to congratulate to the Slovenian people from the bottom of my heart for liberating most of the country from opression.

Yes it was an act of bravery and you have proven, that a whole army - even if it belongs to the mighty eCroatia - cannot fight against the desire for freedom of the eSlovenian Nation.

Since I was nominated as eHungarian Ambassador in Ljubljana I've met a lot of enthusistic people, whom I feel honoured to talk to. I am happy, that I could help to my limits your fight and I promise you:

We will not stop here, since your brothers and sisters in 2 occupied regious are still thirving for freedom. Let's liberate each and every eSlovenian citizen from opression!


eHungarian Ambassador in Ljubljana