Official National Referendum - Rental of Northwest Territories

Day 972, 23:34 Published in Canada Canada by Dade Pendwyn

The results of this referendum are binding - only Canadian citizens may vote.

The President of the eUSA has proposed to rent the Northwest Territories from eCanada for a 3 month term for 1,200g per month. Any gold received during the current term will go to a destination of the public's choice - future CP's may do the same or they may choose to administer the funds as they see fit.

The contract is as follows:" />

Contract between Canada and the US on renting Northwest Territories

Parties: The United States, represented by Bradley Reala, and Canada, represented by Dade Pendwyn

Orgs involved: Congressional Budget Office
Revenue Canada:

Beginning Date: July 23, Day 976
Ending Date: October 15, Day 1060


* On Day 976, Canada shall allow the US to take Northwest Territories. This will be done as follows:
1. Ireland will attack Canada and Canada will retreat the states required until Ireland reaches Northwest Territories
2. The US will attack these Irish-held territories, which Ireland will retreat
3. Canada will then attack the previously conquered regions, aside from Northwest Territories, to return them to Canada; alternately, this may be accomplished through Resistance Wars if the presidents decide so
Note: The US agrees to bear all the costs of war and returning the regions.

* The region of Northwest Territories must remain within US possession until the Ending Date of this contract. If the region is returned to Canada through a Resistance War or Normal battle, Canada must allow the US to immediately (within 72 hours) retake the region. This will be done as follows:
1) Ireland will declare war upon Canada and the USA, if they are not already at a state of war with these two countries
2) Ireland will attack Canada and Canada will retreat the states required until Ireland reaches Northwest Territories
3) The US will attack these Irish-held territories, which Ireland will retreat
4) Canada will then attack the previously conquered regions, aside from Northwest Territories, to return them to Canada; alternately, this may be accomplished through Resistance Wars if the president decides so.
Note: The US agrees to bear all the costs of war and returning the regions.

* Foreign Involvement: Canada must not allow any other nation to gain a territory with a border to Northwest Territories. This includes methods such as retreating battles and not counter-attacking after given the opportunity. This rule will be disregarded if both presidents agree that they are allowing a nation to gain a border with Northwest Territories.

* Rent: The Congressional Budget Office, acting as the official bank of the US, will transfer 300 gold to Revenue Canada on Friday, July 23 (Day 976), and 300 gold for the 11 following Fridays. By Day 1060, a total of 3600 Gold must have been transferred to Revenue Canada from the Congressional Budget Office.

* Return: Should this contract end and no other contract be signed and linked in this contract, Northwest Territories must be returned to Canada via normal battle, resistance war, or battle through a third party.

(Potential signatures here)" />

Voting is done as follows:

The following question must be answere😛 Do you accept the preceding contract from the eUSA to rent the Northwest Territories for 1,200g per month?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *IMPORTANT* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- A message must be sent to the Ministry of Information with the subject being "Vote" and the first word being either "Yes" or "No", or "Oui" or "Non". Anything other than the first word of the message will be ignored in the vote count. The first word of your message must be "Yes" or "No", or "Oui" or "Non". Anything else will not be counted.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

- You must be a Canadian Citizen to vote. All citizenships will be checked before their votes are counted.

- Counts will be independently tallied by Sperry and Stephanos Primus. Explicit records will be kept of the voting. Should these records be requested by the citizens, they can be posted with names censored out. How you voted will be known only to referendum officials and the President, but records of vote tallies with censored names will be available to those who request it.

- Duplicate votes will be counted only once, votes from non-Canadian citizens or from organizations will be ignored." />

***The route taken will be Saskatchewan to Northwest Territories. If the contract is accepted, all efforts will be made to ensure Saskatchewan candidates can still run in the July 25th elections, although bugs and hitches make promising this impossible. The USA will be covering the cost of all swapping expenses, including any destroyed infrastructure and the cost of all battles and declarations of war.***

Please send any questions you may have to Dade Pendwyn, Sperry, or Stephanos Primus.

Voting will remain open until 23:30 eRep time, Day 974.

I encourage all citizens to vote.">