Interview with Polish president, Twoj Stary

Day 1,741, 05:53 Published in Norway Norway by Per Jostein

Per: Good evening, mr. President. Firstly, please present yourself.

Marvin: Hello, I'm Marvin (in game as Twoj Stary) and I'm ePL CP yet again. 🙂

Per: Why did you want to be a president of Poland?

Marvin: I think my previous terms (in June 2012 as CP and in April 2012 as acting CP) were quite successful and I still have a lot of time, so I decided to run for presidency once again.

Per: What do you like the most and the least in erepublik?

Marvin: The most - military module. The least - BH thieves 😁

Per: What happened to the big alliances? Is the end of them?

Marvin: "Nothing lasts forever, even cold november rain". Looks like the big alliances just passed the expiration date. However, in my opinion the great thing is that many countries from the same alliance still have very good relations. That's the friendship not so easy to ruin.

Per: What about Nordic Alliance? Do you think it is a good option for Scandinavian nations? Why?

Marvin: Well, it's interesting. I think it can be a good option, very similar to ABC, but look at ABC - they're doing great.

Per: When do you believe you will stop playing erepublik or it doesn't come to your mind?

Marvin: Not so soon, I won't rest until I have a top fighter medal 😃

Per: What does make you proud the most of having obtained in this game?

Marvin: A few great friends, really.

Per: What do you still want to achieve?

Marvin: Nothing unusual. GOW + top fighter medal. Boring stuff.

Per: How much time per day does erepublik take of your life as you are a president of a huge country as Poland?

Marvin: Sometimes it's much, sometimes I just need rest. I would say it's about 4 to 12 hours.

Per: Do you intend to run for presidency again?

Marvin: No, at least not in this year. But who knows... 🙂

Per: Which message do you let to the Norwegians that are reading this article?

Marvin: Good luck with Nordic Alliance! Oh, and you have awesome metal bands. 🙂

Per: Thank you very much for the interview and good night!

Marvin: I know, the answers are short, but I always write short and briefly 😛 Good night o/
