Hungary - The Long Term Story

Day 985, 01:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
There was a point in time when Hungary were the dominant force in this game. Initially invaded and nearly completely occupied at the end of the original Beta (by Romania), the Huns engineered one of the largest and most successful Baby Booms in the History of Erepublik. They transformed from the country Romanians picked on to the country Romania couldn't touch over a period of about two months, fighting every day, and culminating that with the reclamation of the Southern Great Plain. At the time, that was the largest battle ever fought, and over the next two years, Hungary developed more Field Marshalls, heavy hitting tanks, and Gold than any country per capita.

The removal of the Romanian occupation of Russia was largely due to this Baby Boom. While Indonesia has been a powerhouse of Military and Voting capability for as long as anyone could remember, it wasn't until Hungary could tag team Romania through their Russian and Asian colonies that we could liberate the Urals, Podolia, and Western Siberia from the clutches of the evil vampire. It was then that we truly created a monster, and for two years, through the bridge to Heilongjiang, the North American invasion, and beyond, Hungary was nearly unbeatable in almost every aspect. While every other country struggled to maintain semblence of normalcy, the Huns showed everyone how it was done.

Somewhere along the line, however, shortly after the occupation of France, it became apparent that there was some weird issues in Hungary. Direct wars had essentially halted (except for the monthly attempt in Croatia), and the population was slowly decreasing. Simply put, older players quit due to boredom. They had little left to accomplish as a country, and every MMO hits an optimal peak when it's based on a Real Border. It was highly apparent that EDEN had become capable, but they could not beat Hungary in a direct battle, from any country anywhere near its crown jewel, Heilongjiang. It became normal to see a Resistance War or Chinese attack at some point, so it was no big deal.

Then, from no where, not only did EDEN decide to invade Hungary (again), but it spent everything they had to tank 2 million points against a Resistance War in Heilongjiang. This set it free for the first time since Beta. It was a monumental day for EDEN. They had, they thought, finally killed the Hungarian Beast.

Little did they know, however, that it actually was a blessing in disguise for Hungary. While it's never good to lose a region such as Heilongjiang, it gave Hungary purpose. It showed them that conditions in Erepubik are ever changing, and helped them reinvent themselves in a way. From there, they engineered and completed the ousting of the Spanish from Rhone Alps, and are currently on their way to kill the Romanian source of income in Podolia before it can get started. In short, Hungary is once again coming back to the form which made it unbeatable. The only thing preventing it thus far is a bug in the war module, otherwise Romania would already be toast, but shit happens.

Long term, the saying about not kicking sleeping dogs applies quite nicely to the Huns. They're awesome people, great friends, and all they needed was an awakening, which they got. I suppose we should be thankful to EDEN for that. :3

Hugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy