A Spy's Story

Day 926, 13:57 Published in USA USA by ligtreb
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Long-timers like me remember Chris Willson very well. He became prominent during the American invasion when he used his newspaper to publish updated orders (back before DoD Orders did regularly). He was a rising star in the USA, serving as the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Marine and a media mogul.

Then, everything changed. He wrote an article where he denounced the USA and EDEN, and professed his admiration for Phoenix.

Chris Willson was not a traitor. He was working as a spy for the USA the whole time, working undercover.

I'm revealing this now because Chris is quitting the game. He wanted people to know the truth and got clearance from his commander in the USA to tell his story. I interviewed him earlier about his experiences. Obviously, he consents to this being published.

ligtreb: So what are some of the things you accomplished as a spy?
Chris Willson: The first thing i did was infiltrate a Hungarian military group. I'm surprised how willingly they took me in.

ligtreb: Really? They took you in easily?
Chris Willson: Yeah. All i had to do was get a connection. I had a friend from being the eHungarian ambassador. It came in handy after all 😃 Then i went to the eUK and infiltrated the top military group. They stationed me in eRussia so i decided to get eRussian citizenship. That was easy also, just had to ask a stupid congressman. So overall i got into a lot of military organizations and got eRussian citizenship. Oh, I obtained some documents also.

ligtreb: What did you learn about the militaries of those countries?
Chris Willson: eHungary gives you full wage when you work and lets you decide how to spend the money which i found surprising. I didn't buy any weapons at all and spent it on getting gold instead 😃 They gave me military orders which i relayed to my commander

ligtreb: Just to be clear, for the article's sake ... you mean American commander?
Chris Willson: Yes.

Chris Willson: The eUK is more strict. They make you work for low wages and give you weapons but ONLY IF you get on IRC and ask for them. So they make activity mandatory. Which i applaud the eUK for. I hate how the strength requirements keep going up though. I remember when 25 STR was really strong..; -- I'll never be able to tank haha

Chris Willson: Oh, and eHungary has a TO unit
ligtreb: TO unit?
Chris Willson: Takeover unit. PTOs, ATOs. The eUK maybe does

ligtreb: How effective is it ... do they try TOs regularly?
Chris Willson: Oh yeah, every month. Always looking for new targets. Anybody can help out as long as they look authentic. Just send a PM to the TO organization and they'll give you orders and MTs. Or you can go online and ask for orders and MTs

ligtreb: I didn't know that ... very interesting
Chris Willson: The eHungarian military unit helped me get around. Some of them liked the PTO/ATO aspect of the game while others didn't. I found those who did haha. The eUK on the other hand is trying to start one up i believe. My eUK commander was trying to get an intelligence group together, and i offered my services to him. He never got back to me though

ligtreb: How about Russia? to many, they're one of the more mysterious countries in the game.
Chris Willson: I joined a political party in eRussia recently and they were talking about bots a lot.

ligtreb: So they openly talk about bots?
Chris Willson: I was actually going to run for congress but then the one guy that could understand english said that there was going to be a big problem with bots this congressional election.
Chris Willson: Yeah. It's quite common. I was lucky to find a person who could speak english quite well. Luckily google translate does a fairly good job at translating russian. So i was able to understand what they were talking about on the forums. They've also got a big problem with foreign relations. As you said, they're very secretive
Chris Willson: The party i was in wanted to tackle the problem by having ambassadors in foreign countries. Which seemed common sense to me but i guess it was revolutionary to them haha

ligtreb: You were in Hungary's military at the height of their power ... what were they like, and what can we learn from them?
Chris Willson I actually started as a spy after the eUS regained their territories back. That means eHungary was on the start of their downfall when i started being a spy.

ligtreb: Oh yeah, I forgot the timing.
Chris Willson: Their biggest problem was retention (as it is anywhere else), just trying to keep things fun all the time. I'd say that the eUS can learn to NEVER give military workers full wage. Because some (like me) will use the money for other needs haha. Besides that i'd say tougher regulations if foreign people want to get into the military. Like i said, all i had to do was write an "anti-EDEN" article and i was in. Just always be watchful

ligtreb: Yeah, it seemed to easy to me
Chris Willson: Yeah that's what surprised me the most of everything i did. I went straight from the marines to eHungary.

ligtreb: You were Deputy Secretary of Defense and a Marine.
Chris Willson: exactly
ligtreb: People must have questioned ... some at least?
Chris Willson: nope

ligtreb None at all?
Chris Willson: The only questions i got was when i tried to obtain info from the Hungarian TO Unit. This was when they were trying to PTO Belgium and then eCzech Republic. Yeah, my friend from eHungary helped me out a lot. He ensured them that i was legit. And then after my donations list stopped showing donations from the Marines.

ligtreb: What made you want to be a spy?
Chris Willson: Well i wanted to be a spy to shake up the day-to-day lifestyle that you can be so accustomed to after a while. It's as if you're just "going through the motions" after a while, becomes bland and boring. Going around the eWorld, talking to various people, trying to infiltrate this, that, and the other thing just sounded like too much fun.
Chris Willson: Hungarians are very nice people. They knew i was from the eUS and they were fine with it.

ligtreb: So you had a fun time in Hungary?
Chris Willson: Oh yeah. It was great being a part of Hungary. It was like being a part of a legacy.. the former great power of the eWorld, and then i just laughed at their mistakes.

ligtreb: So your initial Hail Phoenix article got a very negative reaction in the USA ... I'm sure you expected that
Chris Willson: Oh of course.

ligtreb: But was it tough to see your friends turn on you?
Chris Willson: I'd have to say the best part was when i put the article in the Marines forum. Ohhhhhhh... that got quite a reaction. And then they banned me from the forum. hahahahahaha. Oh man... good times. Well some of them wished me the best of luck

ligtreb: What I meant was though a lot of big-name Americans posted negative comments about you in the article. Was that tough for you?
Chris Willson: I believe that was the moment i realized what i'd really done. There was no going back. I was a Phoenix member, aat least that's what everybody thought. 😃
Chris Willson: I had to make it really convincing. So i made credible points in my article. Points that certain high up people said the eUS government should look at

ligtreb: Like which points?
Chris Willson: Such as eUS politics being divided again. I started to see the same divisions that were evident before the eUS got invaded. Idk if it's still evident now but it certainly was then

ligtreb: For this question, don't reveal any info that you shouldn't ... but just how big is our intelligence community? Are there other spies like you?
Chris Willson: I'd just say that Phoenix should watch itself. As i'm sure EDEN should also. Right now we're seeing Phoenix members in the eUS. Getting citizenship, ttaking over PPs, stuff imaginable months ago.

ligtreb: Definitely.
Chris Willson: But i have full faith that the eUS can become victorious over this threat. We know how to come together when it matters. And that's why i don't think i saw a lot of political division in the eUS after i left.
Chris Willson: I love how the political contenders say "hey, that was a nice race" even if they lost. It shows great sportsmanship

ligtreb: So I think I asked you all the main questions I had ... what more do you want to add?
Chris Willson: I had a good time here in eRepublik. I was just about to quit the game last summer when the biggest conflict arose in the eUS: the invasion. Then i got my chance to show what i got and i did. Took control of the eUS populace and told them where to fight
ligtreb: You definitely did
Chris Willson: I know many people have probably forgotten about that but that was my shining moment here. Tthat's what i'd like to be known for
ligtreb: I'll remind them ... that's what I want you to be known for as well
Chris Willson: The spy stuff was just something i did because the political realm wouldn't let me in.

ligtreb: But you had fun right? you're glad you did it?
Chris Willson: Oh yeah. It was always a thrill getting my new mission or just trying to infiltrate stuff on my own.

Chris Willson: That's all. Thanks for wanting to write about me.

That's it. My final, quick thoughts: Chris Willson was a patriot and a friend. I will remember him as a great American.