[Swiss.MoE] A Guide to the CP elections

Day 2,295, 08:09 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Every 5th of month there are country president elections, where all players which are at least lvl 14 vote for new president or reelect old one. If you want run for country president you must get support from your party president and more party presidents support you, more chances you have to become country's next president. But you need to be at least lvl 18 that you can take part on elections as candidate.

On 5th after day change, you can see big blue button, which lead you directly on page where you can vote. You just click vote and fill captcha.

1. You click the blue button:

2. Click on vote button under candidate you want.
Hint: Candidate on left has more votes than the one on right

3. You just put out captcha and your vote is counted.

Don't use multis on election, because multi votes are getting out and those account get banned, because admins take their time after elections and look over all accounts.

Ministry of Education