[MoF]Mid April Review

Day 877, 15:08 Published in Thailand Thailand by Thailand Ministry of Finance

The half monthly review from the MoF discusses economic developments within Thailand and is split into clearly defined sections for those only interested in certain areas. Please help get this information to as many people in Thailand as possible by voting for this article.

Job Market15 days ago there was an abundance of jobs on the Thai market; a population boom has occupied many of these jobs and competition for employees is lower than it was, particularly in manufacturing. This has lowered wages slightly and with our growing population provides the perfect opportunity to start a new business in Thailand, or increase your number of employees to 10 to increase efficiency, if you currently run a company with fewer employees than this. Players considering starting a new business should first consider buying an existing one which often works out cheaper and helps a fellow Thai citizen.

A further alternative is to increase the number of active employees by hiring new staff and releasing those that have not worked for some time. Companies doing this are encouraged to try to keep their number of employees to as close to the efficient level as possible where possible to ensure production is efficient and enabling products to be sold at competitive prices on the market.

MarketplaceThe Thai marketplace has witnessed a large shift over the past month, an injection of capital has grown our q5 food industry and our housing industry, whilst this has helped produce well paid work in Thailand much of the output is exported or bought by foreigners through orgs here. Gifts and Moving Tickets are also in plentiful supply, both priced competitively globally. However the key industries, food and weapons have become somewhat neglected. The call for the baby boom has been made, the population is rising and yet the basics are not properly provided for. There is currently opportunity to be patriotic, gain experience in company management, help a fellow eThai’s sell an old business and make a profit all at once by buying and running a Q1 Food or Weapons Company in Thailand. Investment in these industries is strongly endorsed and foreign players looking to start a Q1 business should also consider Thailand due to these fantastic opportunities and low income taxes in industries that are oversupplied and thus unprofitable in much of the eWorld.

Macroeconomic IndicatorsThe GDP remains well below the 1000 gold level observed a month ago. This is reflective of the lower levels of company investment and upgrades rather than sales. Strong sales in profitable markets, a tax reform last congress and some recent money printing have strengthened the government’s reserves. Thailand is now on it’s strongest financial foothold since the increased cost of MPP’s some months ago and it is hoped that this can be used as a springboard to attract new citizens, grow our economy and strengthen as a nation.

Despite the recent Money Market attacks on the THB the official Thai Exchange Rate remains at
1 THB = 0.013 gold and the economy has adjusted well. However food and weapons prices are still of some concern and need to be lower before any further appreciation could even be considered. The rate is therefore likely to be fixed at this level for some time.

As always, citizens are encouraged to trade their THB with government organisations: Central Bank of Thailand or Thailand Ministry of Finance.

Other InformationThroughout May I will be taking a step away from major governmental responsibility to concentrate on some exam finals. I would like to see the MoF prosper during this period under the guidance of another Thai citizen and encourage anybody with an interest in the economic side of the game and desire to help drive Thailand forward to make it known through the irc, via the forum or by messaging this org. In the absence of volunteers the MoF will operate a limited role throughout May