Who said e-Greece does not help her e-allies? *edited x2

Day 1,233, 03:18 Published in Bulgaria Greece by Blue-Eye org
This article is an answer to our e-enemies who claim that e-Greece does not help EDEN(and specifically in this article I will talk about e-Bulgaria) in the military field. Also remember that this period we have to defend our original regions, however, we are always ready to offer our help.

So,this is the proof that we DO cause a great influence in many battles that e-Bulgaria need our support:

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TODAY'S BATTLE(day 1,233 of the new world)Bulgaria VS FYROM:

TODAY'S BATTLE(day 1,233 of the new world)Bulgaria VS Tourkey:

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TODAY'S BATTLE(day 1,233 of the new world)Bulgaria VS Serbia

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We also attacked Marmara for e-Turkey to seperate its power so you could more easily get Plovdiv(Or I hope so bros,cause you never know what is hiding behind any political movement).Anyway,the truth is that you will finally keep Plovdiv!

It is true that this is a difficult period for EDEN, however I am sure that together we will rise again!

HAIL OUR allies!

I hope you vote this article bros!