[MoFA] And another day passes by...

Day 2,012, 15:19 Published in Canada North Korea by Foreign Affairs Canada

Salutations and greetings

Almost two weeks passed since the last report has been delivered, and it was about time for a new report to be made. I have promised you that I would deliver weekly reports, but the lack of any important actions on the international stage that affect Canada has been largely inexistent, so I delayed the report day by day since last Sunday, until I have decided to finally publish it today. Even in these conditions, there aren't many things so relevant that should be reported, so this one will be quite short, in contrast to my usual wall-of-text articles. Of course, I would have written more, but even with the new draft system created for the media modules, my article vanished at 14:38 eRep time, so I had to rewrite it. A literal pain in the ar*e, that is.

Contents of the article

Relationship between Asgard and CoT
International meeting
Issues related to our MPPs

Relationship between Asgard and CoT

In the last weeks, as you may know from my last report, the relationship between Asgard and CoT got closer, due to the simple fact that both alliances share a common enemy to which they have to fight against: TWO. Things went smoothly, but there still was an issue, rather problematic for both alliances, that needed to be resolved as urgent as possible. This issue is, of course, the war between Germany and Norway.

As Germany has started a war of aggression against Norway for their oil resources, the latter got wiped and occupied by the former. This led to Asgard putting a common effort into successfully liberating Norway from the invaders. But Germany didn't renounce so easily: they NE'd Norway again. And things repeated over and over. It was obvious that the war became nothing more than a ping-pong. A ping-pong that cost the war between CoT and TWO almost 3% of the damage, which is huge, if you come to think that the alliances are almost on an equal balance of damage. It was, therefore, in the interest of everyone that this war stop. Norway and Germany have organised several meetings and an agreement (after a hell of a negotiation) for peace has been signed. The war is going to end and Germany is going to pay Norway rent for the occupied regions, the same system that Russia uses.

As this last crucial impediment has been removed, the road has been paved for Asgard and CoT to start cooperating. This will change things a lot on the international stage, as the anti-TWO camp finally gets a shape. In the end, the result comes with advantages for everyone, both in Asgard and in CoT.

International meeting

Last week, an international meeting organised by Italy has been held on the IRC, a meeting which concerned the suggested creation of a new alliance which was to comprise various non-CoT and non-TWO countries united against a common enemy, which Italy considered to be TWO. Besides Canada, several other countries were invited, including our Asgard fellows, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia, Brazil and others, including some CoT member states.

Throughout the meeting, Canada's position has been firm: we stand with our Asgard allies and do not wish to create a new alliance, which would cause more problems than provide solutions. Instead, the Canadian delegation suggested that an informal agreement of non-aggression and non-binding military support should be made between the countries concerned, that being the ones present at the meeting.

When Italy raised the point that we all have a common enemy, TWO, Brazil stated that they wouldn't fight against certain member states (namely TWO), statement which provoked quite an aggressive response from the Italian delegates, as well as other delegates. Canada was not involved in this incident, which we perceived counter-constructive and undiplomatic.

The meeting didn't really end with a clear conclusion, and the Italian delegates have suggested organising a new meeting to set up further arrangements. If Canada will be invited again, we will stand firm on our position for an informal agreement and will oppose any formal alliance, which we deem unnecessary.

Issues related to our MPPs

As some of you have observed, Canada hasn't renewed any MPP in the last two weeks, besides the MPPs with our Asgard fellows. This has made some citizens make inappropriate comments in the newsfeeds. I feel it is my duty to announce the country that the MPPs that have not been renewed are not due to those countries not being our allies anymore. On the contrary, all of them (besides Argentina, unfortunately) have steadily remained our closest non-Asgard allies and the bilateral cooperation has reached very high levels, with both parties fighting for each other.

The developments that appeared on the international scene have made us delay renewing the MPPs with them. And as I'm writing this, the MPP with Croatia will expire soon. It will also not be renewed for the time being. But I guarantee you that all these MPPs will be renewed by the end of this term (that being 5 June).

I apologise for such a short and lacking of details article, and also for delaying it for almost one week, but the developments that happened were beyond my powers and they have been in such a way that have barred me from writing a good quality article (the original article whithering away) or delaying it (RL issues).

We will see each other soon with a new activity report.

Best regards,

Dozzer_x, MoFA
in cooperation with
Shoi12, MoFA
Gh0st3rr, dMoFA
Utat, dMoFA

...your favourite Foreign Affairs team!