Day 714, 11:03 Published in Greece Croatia by Crocky

Hello again my dear readers,

Today, I start a series of articles to remind you a bit of ehistory mixed with some RL facts about former and existing empires around eGlobe.

In V1, the first great empire that arose was eNORWAY.

The eNorway’s empire was probably one of the most cosmopolitan form of government in ehistory, comparing to the total population of eWorld of that time. Back then, eNorway occupied the whole eRussia and eFinland so the most predominat colour of eWorld’s map was PINK.

Unlike any other empire formed after its decadence, in eNorway, freedom was the main order.
As you probably know, nordic countries have the greatest number of non-native english speakers in RL and they took the decision to use in eRep only english in order to give to all its inhabitants(even to those under occupation) the chance to be an active part in eNorway's life.

That decision will be blamed later by conservative people for eNorway's falling. After they have invented strategies, army organization, economy, the brave citizens of eNorway were "forced" to return foreign territories to their fellow friend and neighbor, eFinland that gathered enough players to support itself. With eRussia, the story is very different.

Because of their historical issues, enorwegians refused to return all russian's regions(they allowed that eRussia to be formed as a country) and because the mastermind of TO, Victor Petrescu already invented TO, russians and some "friends" of eNorway took over this great country.

Meanwhile in eAsia, another great empire appeared : eIndonesia.

As expected the name who dominated eWorld in those times was enorwegian and was the first hero of the New World! His name was FORCONIN and he was a great supporter of resistance wars for Finland’s liberation and was one of the characters who started negotiations for the establishment of ATLANTIS alliance.

The most important characters of that eNorway beside Forconin was: Salve(2 times president and an active pawn in ATLANTIS), Anders(a great hero-the strongest Norwegian player and the best MOD of eNorway,), KristofferAG(e😜resident) , Kir(2 times president and the survivor of a Hungarian TO).

The two political parties which have been dominated eNorway’s politics all this time are The Technocrats and Golden Party. These parties provided all presidents of eNorway .

The greatest invention of eNorway in erepublik was : SWAPS OF REGIONS experimented for the first time by KristofferAG with WSR to eROMANIA which eventually leaded to the first EPIC BATTLE of eWORLD and to the falling of eNorway’s empire, fulfilled by ehungarians with a successful TO, followed by great robberies.

The falling eNorway created the best opportunity for eRomania to become a great empire and to start a great offensive against another empire already formed eIndonesia which will be the subject of my next article.

Right now, eNorway has only 712 inhabitants and a GDP of only 270 GOLD /month. The exchange rate is one of the most vulnerable in eWorld’s economy, but the prices are extremely affordable. It still has a strong core of old players whose interest lies only in eNorway’s revival after the recent war with eRussia. In my opinion eNorway deserve to be an example for eRepublik and to receive admin’s recognition and a warm place in eRepublik' HALL OF FAME.

If you liked this article, please vote it and subscribe to my newspaper because another episode is about to be written about eIndonesia’s empire.