Day 716, 03:40 Published in Greece Croatia by Crocky

Hello again my dear readers,

Today's episode will be about the history of another great empire of eGlobe, eIndonesia.

Formed as a country in V1, eIndonesia was the empire that expand most quickly in eWorld's history and that last the longest from all empires ever existed.
Basically, its expanding began early in 2008 during its war against eAustralia when eIndonesia faced
a massive baby-boom, completed few months later by the migration of ehungarians and eserbs from the path of romanian's armies in WW1.

As coverage, eIndonesia was at one point the greatest empire in eWorld, containing territories
from 4 continents. Unlike its predecesor eNorway, eIndonesia was built and kept only in battles.

eIndonesia's history wears on it some of the greatest names in eRepublik as: rikwandi(former president of that great empire), Nico Sianpar(a mastermind of war tactics, the 3rd man in eRepublik and a great hero-29 Battle Hero Medals), Darkyojimbo(a great hero-26 battle hero medals and with fabulous popularity amongst his people), All-x(one of the most powerfull man in eWorld's history)Ond3l(great business man and fabulous soldier-21 Battle Hero medals).
Many others deserve to be mentioned but this articles isn't meant to praise anyone but to reveal a bit from a lost history.

Although, eIndonesia was always an important part of my list of enemies, I recognize that eRepublik wouldn't be so fun without it.

In my opinion, eIndonesia is one of the most agressive countries ever existed in eWorld and as a recognition of this fact, it is responsible for the first EPIC BATTLE in history, WSR.
At one time eAsia was entirely under its control(not necesarily entirely conquered but under its influence).

While in eRepublik everything go smoothly for them, in RL, indonesians faced great natural disasters which killed many people and also have distroyed many lives.
Let's all pray so they will be able to restore somehow their previous peacefully lives.

Natural Disaster

eIndonesia's EPIC moments in ehistory was the extraordinary comeback made in WW2, against another great empire that will be the subject of my next article, eRomania, followed closely by the conquest of California.

eIndonesia was aslo one of the main pawns in the establishment of PEACE ALLIANCE, which initially was supposed to be defensive, but which eventually turned in the most opressive alliance in ehistory and never was ranked below 5th place in eRep's tops.

Their main military tactics were: strong tanking in the last 10 minutes and choosing night hours for completing the war day.

In eIndonesia, romanians created the biggest party belonging to a minority, Matzanazian Party which was developed to act like a trojan horse.
Their press was spammed for months by romanians who blamed them of unfair practices and for their decadence. Still so, they were able to keep control and to endure as an empire longer then eRomania.

Right now, eIndonesia is falling. They still keep 8 foreign territories but they lost Australia and WSR and their population diminishes fast!
Who knows, maybe the new MPP's rule will help them to conquer other countries in the future, but right now they are looking weak.

eIndonesia only has left 8792 players, a monthly GDP of 1692 GOLD and an inflation of 41%, but it still has a core made from the oldest and strongest players in eWorld.

Alike eNorway, I strongly believe that eIndonesia must hold the center of eRepublik' HALL OF FAME!

If you enjoyed this article please vote it and make it global and don't forget to subscribe to my newspaper because the next episode
is about eRomania.

Here you can read the part 1 about Norway's Empire