The new eRepublik Citizen Laws.

Day 1,024, 04:54 Published in Romania Romania by MoonlightShadow

I had to sell my entire xxx collection, but I obtained enough money to bribe somebody in order to get my hands on the upcoming new eRepublik laws, which might soon be announced officially. Without further introduction, here they are:

1. All citizens are born equal in dignity and rights. Any citizen can choose where to work, if he is lucky enough, and to be paid, if he is even luckier. If you hear about a citizen who can afford a bread daily from his wage, please report this as it must be a cheater.

2. Do not oppress other citizens, too badly. Try to maintain some decency, if possible. If not, then buy our “forgiveness package”.

3. Do not clone yourself, more than twice. And make sure that you are not caught. Else, be aware of what might happen to you: the eRepublik team might publicly humiliate you for being so stupid!

4. From now on we declare the smoke signal as the only official contact channel. So, wait no response from us if you contact us through any other channel, like articles/comments/forum posts/tickets.

5. Freedom of press is absolute, exclusively in the cases where eRepublik team is not criticized.

6. Properties obtained through illegal methods will be impounded. Because we can never know for sure the exact amount of illegal Gold, we will randomly remove some. Buy the “lucky thief” booster to lower the random number in case you'll get caught.

7. If you observe a bug or exploit, please test it for us prior to reporting it. Play with it, observe its consequences. If things are getting seriously, like conquering a country because of the bug/exploit, please be a little more careful for god's sake. If things are getting really, really seriously, like conquering an entire continent, please announce the team immediately.

8. Do not post “V2 sucks”. Not in the media, not in the tickets, don't even say this in real-life. For they who will do that shall pay with their own lives.

9. Do not post “bring V1 back” or “Remove Lana & her friends”.

10. We are enlarging our players base, so you must be at least 10 years old to play this game. Or, if you are younger, at least act as a grown-up kid. Don't forget to tell your mummy that we have cookies for sale.