The Hungarian invasion or the liberation of France?

Day 939, 12:50 Published in Switzerland Russia by Arschmann

Hello, citizens of eSwitzerland.

1. regions will soon be returned
2. hospitals will soon be restored
3. do not panic

As Foreign Minister I have been in this case from the outset. And now I'll tell you what happened. A few days ago, Phoenix offered us a very good bargain.

+ eliminating potentially dangerous neighbor Spain on our borders
+ restoration of good relations with France
+ butthurt of members SLP
+ gold

- no

Carefully weigh the pros and cons, we decided to accept the offer. I think we did not have miscalculated. And our defense minister even managed to get a medal Battle Hero. Congratulations 🙂.

Also wish good luck to all the liberators of the Alps. Hail Switzerland, Hail Hungary, Hail Russia, Hail France!

PS: Good article. Read it 🙂.

//MoFA - Arschmann