Thank You UK from the eGerman President.

Day 783, 07:42 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by Konrad Neumann

Dear eGermans and eUKers,

As you know our beloved eGermany was lost in a war with our neighbours. We were brave and fought to the very end with no regrets. We stood tall and defiantly resisted against their military operations. I am proud of our men and our allies. I am grateful for great allies in the eUK and your help and assistance your nation rendered to us. I thank GlaDOS and Dish for their efforts and I thank the many eUK citizens for your generosity.

Central Europe is inflames with war. Slovenia, Germany, France, citizens of the free must prepare and make ready for war. They took our land, and we fall back. They burn entire cities, and we fall back. The line must be drawn here and no farther. No more falling back. Saarland was just one of the first bold resistance against the EDEN. London is where we make a comeback and teach EDEN what Phoenix really is. London is where we will take the fight to them and make them work even harder.

eGermany will support eUK in their future struggles. I am here in London now in honour of the Frankfurt Treaty which former prime minister Woldy, former German president The German Eagle, and myself drafted. While it is no longer enforced due to eRepublik legal system as well as our political situation, but I do not care. It might no longer be a standing document, but I believe in the spirit and the essence of it. I will stand with you as a brother. eGermany will stand with you and other Phoenix nations as a brother or a sister. We do not need a contract to defined our bond with each other. We do not need a contract to dictate what we need to do. We know what we need to do and we do all of this freely and willingly. We do it for the essence of the Frankfurt Treaty!!!

For Frankfurt!
For Phoenix!!!
For eUK!!!
For eGermany!!!

Konrad Neumann
eGerman President