Tensions rising in the Southern Hemisphere once more

Day 937, 17:11 Published in Australia Australia by Aeros

With Europe calm once more and EDEN apparently unwilling to take advantage of all the activated MPP in Russia as of yet, the focus of the EDEN and Phoenix Alliances seems to once more be aimed at the vast diamond fields of Australia and South Africa. An Indonesian PTO effort was narrowly defeated in the Presidential election in Australia, with the major Australian parties rallying behind Widdows9000. The Indonesians have now moved to try and take control of one or more of the top 5 political parties, the success of which could raise the specter of a far more dangerous Congressional PTO. Congressional PTO’s can, with a simple majority, destroy a nations economy, drain it of resources, and in extreme cases, overthrow the Presidency once every last bit of wealth has been drained from the victim nation. As consequence of the Indonesian efforts, Australia has all but ceased to be a functioning democracy. It is a sad but inevitable end, and one that hopefully will be temporary, though the political effects on this country are liable to last a very long time.

As the Indonesians continue to press their efforts, the Australian Prime Minister has stated Australia will no longer sit idly by, and intends to attack the Indonesian mainland. This effort will be largely fruitless, in that it will activate all of Indonesia’s MPP’s against us. Of course, that is not the point. Australia wants to see if Indonesia has enough honor left in them to fight us on the battlefield. Indonesia will in turn have the option to use their activated MPP stack against Australia. An invasion which will in turn activate Australia’s own MPP’s and most likely kick off a major war in the Indian Ocean.

Indonesia has for some time now been less then neighborly with its other border nations, especially with Malaysia and the Philippines whom they have invaded repeatedly. Indonesia only just recently lost a war with China over control of the Philippines, and its entirely possible these countries may be eager for some pay back against the Indonesians. How they could conceivably accomplish this comes down to initiative. Because of Australia’s massive border, once Indonesia starts attacking, they can attack forever until they either decide to stop, or else run out of gold. An attack from Indonesia’s hostile northern neighbors however, would force them to give up initiative and allow Australia to counterattack with its own MPP stack against the Indonesians. All around, it would be intensely high risk operation, and the consequence of failure could possibly mean the end of Australia. Unfortunately, this PTO situation may force this war to the fore, since the only way to end the Indonesian’s efforts would be to overthrow their own nation and try and force open citizenship rules in Indonesia. If that occurs, the Indonesian PTO squads would have no choice but to return home or else risk their country ending up an EDEN satellite state, or subject to the whims of its allies like Serbia and Hungary.

On the other side of the argument, the Indonesian’s could decide to keep trying (and failing) to overthrow our country by PTO. It is a waste of time though. We are actively hunting down and destroying bot farms in Australia aimed at farming votes, as well as launching our own ATO efforts. We have the benefit of home turf advantage in this case. Nothing outside overt cheating will allow Indonesia to secure Australia by PTO. But this is no way to run a country, and frankly I think the Indo’s may want this fight as much as we do. In the mean time, all Australian citizens should do their part to try and beat back the Indonesians at the ballot box. Tomorrow is Party President election day. Remember, this are the people who run the nominations for the Senate. We cannot allow the Indonesians to gain the power to front candidates on the ballot. Use your vote wisely.