How do you spell: C.O.M.P.R.O.M.I.S.E?

Day 944, 03:05 Published in France Hungary by montaigne

Dear citizens of France,

These days we are experienceing a different sort of challange. We have to defeat an enemy, who is inside ot our brains and our hearts.

These enemies are calle😛




Yes, it is about damn Rhone Alps and it looks like it makes more harm then benefits.
I would like to make a summary of the situation, looking to the arguments of both sides.


Does it want teritorial integrity, prefeably by yesterday and free of charge?
NOT REALLY. I read a lot of French comments and some reasonible articles.

French are absolutelly aware about the following:

a. Without Phoneix and especially Hungary, France was not able to take back neither regions. It is not a simple speculation, it is a fact (see previous attempt). Spain and her allies are just bigger and stronger.

b. France will produce wood in Aquitania. But France just cannot produce twice as much wood by having twice as many regions, since the limiting factor is the money to be invested, the lack of manpower and the market demand. France could not produce more wood, not even if ALL her regions were high wood.

Some issues, mistakenly judged by France:
c. Phoenix and Hungary would not have any better opportunity to burn their Gold, than Rhone Alps.
WRONG: Actually Serbia could have paid back their previous debts, Hungary could have built up Gold reseves (or lower domestic taxes) and buy hospitals for their own territories, and the alliance could have concentrated on other countries like South Africa, Norway, India and Bosnia (causing maybe less headaches).

d. Serbia, being attacked by EDEN as a direct consequence of the French battles, was really happy to spend all their money, plus to go back in debts, just because the French people are cool.
WRONG: Maybe the French are cool, but nobody likes to risk blindly (but Russia).

e. Rhone Alps is the coolest place on planet Earth, therefore it is almost priceless, and it worth 5 times as much as Karnataka.
WRONG: the coolest place on Earth is Western Siberia, followed by Eastern Siberia. The most precious resource in V1 is the iron, while in V2 the diamond will gain a much higher importance.

f. Rhone Alps is more valuable than Aquitania, because it produced more value during the Spanish / Polish times.
WRONG: As Hungary evecuated Heilongjiang, so does Spain and Poland with Rhone Alps and Aquitania. Most likely they degrade the companies to Q1 and either shut it down or use it as a baby-killer company. In best case they would operated and avoid paying taxes (donate, monetary, minimal salary, etc).

g. Friends and allies cound be traded on the flea market.

WRONG, Friendship, allience could be earned during a long-lasting relationship based on mutual benefits.

h. France can dictate conditions

WRONG: actually any dictate, any lack of cooperation is based on misinterpretation of the given situation. Mutually advantageous deals are great, dictates are bad. (Hungary cannot dictate either btw.).

i. Fairy tales are true and there is such a thing like Free Lunch when You get something (everything) for nothing.

WRONG. There is no such a thing like Free Lunch. If we translate it to the Rhone Alps: France not being Phoenix member, did not contribute to the common budget (correct me if I am wrong). So, most of the costs of liberating France were covered by Phoenix. Now that the job is done, the question arises: pay in a way or another, sooner or later, but definitelly show some goodwill. To make it simple: pay the costs of the war or contribute with lands and army.


a. Does Hungary want to have Rhone Alps forever? No, it does not. The most frequently mentioned rental period was 6 month. Why 6 months instead of 3? Because in 3 months entrepreneurs cannot recover their investments. I hear you saying: "Who cares?" Well, France should care, just because Phoenix cared about France.

b. Does Hungary want to have it free of charge? No. Hungary is prepared to pay a fair price.
The amounts mentioned by the French (1600-2300G) could be acceptible, if Hungary has enough time to build up companies and recruit construction workers (to ensure the consumption of wood). Wood is a special resource: it cannot be worked by MANU people and Hungary has less then enough CONSTRUCTION workers. So, paying 2000 G +/- would be acceptible on the long term, but there is no long term for Hungary (at least if it is up to the French). We cannot also rely on the number preceding the reconquest, since the Polish and Spanish all left. Thus, let's see the precedents!

Precedent Nr1:

USA pays a monthly rental fee of 800 Gold for India’s single high iron region. Once again we have to emphasize, Iron is more valuable than Wood. India had the same sort of contribution to the recapturing of the land from Indonesia as France had in case of Rhone Alps.

Precedent Nr2:

Slovenia pays a symbolic price to Germany for Schleswig-Holstein. Germany has 2 other high grain regions (Bavaria and Brandenburg-Berlin). Germany obviously does not have an issue to give it to Slovenia, they are even happy to have the Slovenian army there in order to protect them from the Poles. Yes, those Germans obviously have no national pride…or is their rationality above their pride?

What a fair rental price would be for Rhone Alps? I think it also depends on other conditions like duration of the rent, taxation issues after the region will be ceased back, coverage of the costs related to the war against Spain, etc. But as a self-standing issue cannot be more then 1000 Golds and any number above that may be considered as an attampt to say NO.

Some issues mistakenly judged by Hungarians and Phoenix
c. Hungary assumed, that France does have a memory.

WRONG. No, it does not. Sadly, but Hungary also has problems with the memory.

d. Hungary and Phoenix entered into the war on the behalf of Spain assuming that France will not abuse a grey area situation.

DAMN. It did. If Hungary could anticipate the French position, probably it would have never started the war. Correct me if I am wrong, but to me it looks that France does not care if Hungary can do any sort of benefit from this situtation. Actually renting the region for something like 2000 Gold for 3 months equals to 6000 Gold thrown out on the window. Add it to the costs of the battles!

e. Hungary has been backstabbed.

WRONG. No it was not. That arrow was aimed to come from the front, but unfortunatelly Hungary turned back in the wrong moment. I beleive Hungary did not have an understanding of French mentality. It never had and it will never have. We are different, we mismatch each other. All the time we believe that we will find another ally like Serbia or Slovenia (Germany). Truth is that you cannot find as easily.

f. Hungary assumed, that the sheer existance of mutual interests and common goals may solve the issue and we have talked enough.

WRONG. We did not talk enough before, too many things has left unsolved.


If I were the Hungarian president, I would think about selling the region if there is no chance to agree.
Countries that could be swapped easily to Rhone Alps:
Spain (through Italy)
Romania and Croatia (through Hungary, Austria and Switzerland)
Poland (through Slovakia, Austria and Switzerland)

Why to do such a thing? I personally believe, that the way it goes, hate is going to poison our hearts, regardless who will own the land. So, better undo the whole issue, give it to a third country.

Please do not blame Hungary if it makes a rational decisions and gets rid of the region in order to avoid state bankrupcy! Please admit, that France does not make any loss this way, since looking at the numbers it had no participation in the battle for Rhone Alps!

1. What Hungary can offer more than it did so far?
a. Support in Phoenix, military aid in case of need.
b. Investments in a stable political environment.
c. Opening and promoting the Hungarian domestic market for French wood (and related finished products).
2. What France can offer?
a. Longer rental period and reasonible price
b. Guaranteed damage (e.g 1 milion) if Hungary goes to war or gets attacked.
Other ideas are welcome.


-Since the parties were unable to sort out all the issues before it happened, now relax and take your time!
-Do not do anything, which you could regret later!


Serbian citizen and congressmann
advisor of the Hungarian Ministry of Foregin affairs
Hungarian ambassador in Beograd, Ljubljana, Zagreb and Chisinau


STOP Throwing mud PLEASE (from each side)!


I kindly remind French readers are frequently using the argument, that France is a strong military power, while India is nothing, therefore India does not deserve Karnataka. One sentence later you are complaining, that Hungary is ignoring smaller countries (like France). I want to say, that Hungary shows more respect to France, than France to India.


(click to enlarge)
Picture taken from Tall_Niki's STATISTICS ON THE RHONE ALPS BATTLE
France inflicted a total damage of 9500. This number was outscored by the following countries:
Latvia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Turkey, Slovakia, Malajsia, USA(!), Spain(!), Peru(!), Australia(!), Singapore, Netherlands. To be honest, France still scored a bit better than Italy, who did 8.680.