Freedom is Priceless

Day 684, 15:13 Published in Lithuania Portugal by Arthk

Dear PEACE citizens,

Yesterday we had a busy night; after the Polish president started a declaration of war against our member Lithuania, the PEACE War Council started working on the best strategy to defend them without spending an obscene amount of gold. After analyzing possible damages and risks, we decided to adopt the strategy of our enemies; the famous tactic developed by former Atlantis countries called "turtle hiding".

But why choose this and spend a lot of gold on it?

After discussing it, we calculated that Poland isn’t strong enough to invade any PEACE member; they simply do not have the strength required. They do, however, have gold. As PEACE works hard to acquire gold, in order to help and protect its members, some former ATLANTIS countries have massive, and mysterious, gold reserves.

So, even if their armies are weaker, and fewer in number, they hit more, and harder due to this fact; this meant losing a Lithuanian region or two would be possible. The potential cost of the loss would be high; spending money on distractions, the attack itself and so forth. With this in mind, we decided to accept a small sacrifice in our gold reserves, and maintain our primary goal; defending our allies.

While we spent nearly 3,000 gold in order to safeguard Lithuania from Polish greed, the Polish President spent about the same amount for just a fraction of an entire battle. Do not believe the propaganda claiming we wasted gold; the Polish President wasted even more gold after realising his fail, and tried to open a declaration of war against Latvia.

Lithuanian citizens, PEACE citizens, don´t care, while PEACE will exist we will spend whatever we need to keep our members safe with the less possible risks, if today we had to spend 30000 gold, we would do it.

Citizens of Lithuania, Citizens of PEACE; do not worry. While PEACE exists we will spend whatever we need to in order to keep our members safe, with the minimal potential risk; if today’s swaps had cost 30,000 gold, we would do it without thinking twice.

PEACE regards,

Jazar, Eisenhorn and Kistru
Olorum and Battalgazi