Flufferton Awards Stolen and Renamed Emerick Awards

Day 793, 15:54 Published in USA USA by The Flufferton Foundation

We have taken this Organization and renamed this paper and these awards because the government has failed in its job of continuing to name winners. We do this because its what is best for this country and more importantly because it is what Emerick would have wanted.

We are among you, unknown working towards Greatness
With Love

We are proud to announce the First winner ofThe DesertFalcon Prize for Strategic Reporting.

The winner is…

Lieutenant Scheisskopf for his wonderful article http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/eden-s-upcoming-challenges-in-asia-1091157/1/20#comments">EDEN's Upcoming Challenges in Asia.

We realize this is long over due and normally I’d apologize but we weren’t in charge till today.

We are going to be forced to combine the Emerick awards for December and January. That award will be given after we give out The One Eye Prize at the end of the month.
The next award will be
The Joe DaSmoe Prize for Public Service Reporting:
~ Covers Newbie Guides, How-To Guides, and any other type of guide
Send in your submissions ASAP we will be announcing the new award winner on the 24th so please try to get us your submissions before then. Good luck to all of you who hope to win.

Authors are encouraged to send a PM with a link to their article to The Flufferton Foundation to insure that their publication is recorded and considered by the judges. The judges and program directors will be reading the eUS media to try and select the best articles but we can not guarantee that we will see every article published and therefore if you wish to insure your article is considered we strongly recommend you PM this org with a link to the article.