0.01 ESP have been sold - 0.01 ESP have been sold - has expired

Day 944, 16:18 Published in Spain Spain by AL00SL


Your monetary exchange offer consisting in 1999.96 of ESP at exchange rate of 1 ESP = 0.03 62 has expired and the money have returned into your account. Visit again the monetary market to post a new offer.
one minute ago

We inform you that 0.01 ESP have been sold for 0.0003 GOLD from the citizen account using the offer posted on the monetary market.
3 minutes ago

We inform you that 0.01 ESP have been sold for 0.0003 GOLD from the citizen account using the offer posted on the monetary market.
28 minutes ago

We inform you that 0.01 ESP have been sold for 0.0003 GOLD from the citizen account using the offer posted on the monetary market.
35 minutes ago

We inform you that 0.01 ESP have been sold for 0.0003 GOLD from the citizen account using the offer posted on the monetary market.

tal vez les suene a chino, pero es lo que me ha pasado 3 veces esta semana,
mis ahorritos en esp quieros pasarlos a Gold para upgradar una de mis empresas,
pero simplemente no puedo.

alguien se dedica a comprar 0.01esp para que la oferta desaparezca y otras pasean delante de la cola.

Que pueden hacer para remediarlo.

1.- Quejarse a los admins en este post:
o este otro


2.- comprar las ofertas de segunda o tercera fila

y si alguien encuentra mi oferta, le agradeceria que me comprar, pues necesito ese gold