Day 598, 19:33 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Wonder Forward


Harrison Richardson speech was damn populer but dead-brained speech. We laugh at your idiocy and hypocrisy.

America, we must be ready. In the coming days and weeks, the ever-changing eWorld will present America with countless challenges.

I can imagine an American within his heart is now speaking:
"Well, to be honest, we are now in a cookpot already. They ain't have to come to our beaches, we are already killing ourselves! Where's our 22,000 citizens just a month ago? Now, we only have about left 15,000 citizens? How many more (clones) will die? Is there any explanation about this major genocide? Government is nothing but silence? Swine flu? Bird flu? Or was it "Chicken" (rea😛 COWARD) flu?"

That's the FIRST thing that will make America lose! Rampant plaque and epidemy!

We will be dealing with enemies and fighting alongside friends. Fellow patriots, this game is hinged on war. The greatest glory comes from war, as does the greatest grief. It is becoming abundantly clear we are facing an imminent invasion by PEACE forces. I just have one thing to say: bring it. PEACE, we're ready for you!

Well, I just have to urge you to hear an American heart talking again:
"Ready? What the hell this guy is talking about? Ready for what? Just a few weeks ago we're so
divided in politics that e😜residents screamed and banged tables,
just a month before, our military advisor almost resigned due to frustration and lack of coordination on that Turkish Delight thing... or was it just a Thanksgiving Ultra-Expensive Festival on Turkey?

Wait... wait... did we ever win a war??
Let me remember...
War USA vs Canada...
Well, we almost had them, until some Pakistanis comes... we almost win (sure... lol)

Then... umm... there's French Toast... We almost kill Paris, but then Indonesians comes... (well, at least, we retreated gracefully.) WE DON'T LOSE MIND YOU!

Then there's this Portugal - Spain and our coward pincer attack. It's only for LULZ y' know! Pure fun! Wellness stuff! But we lost too! But THAT'S ONLY because we're on LULZ that we forgot to buy weapon and only burn gold!

Well, then there's USA vs MEXICO. It's a fair battle. Since there is no Indos or Mojos. Only us versus Mexico, very fair. But this Portugal and some PEACE leaps on us, and we're strained and economically crisis after 5 days... and ATLANTIS won't help us for our glorious conquest!! All because they had to defend their colonies in West Siberia and Southern Great Plain? That's absurd!! We are THE MOST IMPORTANT COUNTRY in the world!

Our Allies not only desert our glorious War, but they dared to fine us as well! To hell with them, America stands alone and always stands alone! If we join any alliance, we must be on the top and others would be our slaves!

That's what FORTIS truly means: The Strength, The Strongest!

But wait... we never won any war up until now, did we?"

I urge citizens to be ready for this upcoming strife. It will not be easy and it will not be short, but it will be the most glorious victory America has ever had.

Now Indonesians spoke:
American policy in Real Life and eRepublik was SO CLEAR that blinds our eyes. They read as follow:

So, it follows that when someone can actually attack your homeland, native soil, and you have no way to prevent it, or prepare for it from days before, and you just sit tight and SPIN THE MEDIA by saying that TO HAVE INVADERS COMING TO OUR SOIL is THE GREATEST VICTORY means an utter insult to our intelligence.

You should be ashamed and mad as hell to your govs!!

We want a better opponent! A more intellect one!
We propose to impeach such silly-speaking President!
Maybe if you impeach him, we UK? You don't omit some faithful allies in Fortis...

We will be happy to fight side by side with you ---> yeah right. write off debts first.

However, all hopes are not lost.
WE DO HAVE ADVICES for every American citizen:
1. We come to bring a political union for the divided houses of eUSA. You should see us coming as great bliss and blessing. So let us take some trophies for some political help that you never achieved for almost 2 years!
2. Do not fight! Surrender now!
3. Do not panic! Yes. We will surely come, that's inevitable.
4. Negotiate! Destroy all your Q5 Hospital, Give us Hawaii and California.
We will surely listen to your proposals.

Since the creation of eRepublik and PEACE, PEACE has dared not invade American soil. They are starting to get a bit too confident, Americans, and we must show them just how powerful the American military machine really is. Listen to your commanders, listen to the proper people, don't panic, and be ready for the most epic of clashes.

We have never come this close because we're being compassionate and merciful to America.
But after these almost 2 years, American hasn't grown past their silly role-playing, and always having economic crisis one after another.

This is a sad thing for a country with 51 states and all the resources they had.
Everything in this world had to be worked and strived forth! Not bickered back-forth!
I call Americans to start changing their perspective and join us in order to manifest True and Everlasting Peace on the world.

So, fight us if necessary, but destroy corrupt and inefficient governments first!
The one that let your land invaded and still called it Victory!


Wonder Forward