[Official PM Address] Indonesian Invasion of Australia (UPDATED)

Day 1,879, 05:52 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

My Fellow Australians,

It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that we may be heading to war again. It is not with our new comrades Chile we have spent weeks building a rapport with, but rather our old foe we thought had become an ally and friend. A respected adversary who seemed eager at the promise of a joint future. Our clashes were epic. Our common purpose promised legend. Indonesia have done the unthinkable.

As you were made aware last night through the Department of Information Newspaper article [Department of Information] Indonesia, Indonesia has threatened war with Australia over Western Australia. Indonesia gave Australia 24 hours to discuss capitulation and instructed us not to MPP with Chile. Australia have no problem discussing resource distribution with friends so that we all can maximise our bonuses, but demands with no intention of anything in return leave a bad taste. Not MPPing with Chile by the 10th is also in contravention with our treaty with Chile. The consequences are severe.

Accordingly, as per that Treaty requirements between Chile and Australia, the MPP with Chile was commenced at 12:00 on 1878 eRep Time. It has passed unanimously with a full 11 Votes (1 CP and 10 Senators) in the Australian Senate. While it is still running, as of 0400 eRep Time on Day 1879, it is fairly well approved by Chile.

However, as of 03:15 on 1879 eRep Time, Indonesia Officially submitted an [url=Natural Enemy Request to their Congress against Australia[/url]. As of 04:24, the vote sat at 14 Yes to 3 No. Australia will not rise to the bait. Australia will not be intimidated into giving up what is rightfully ours. It is not to late for Indonesia to do the right thing by a future fellow Circle of Trust ally.

I urge ALL Australian Citizens to prepare to immediately repel Indonesia from our shores should the NE pass in their Congress.


Xavier Grifith
eAustralian Prime Minister


Late last night, the Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs approached the Australian Government with a proposal regarding Indonesia after Chile spoke to them. The Australian Government agreed in principle with the basic suggestion regarding a formal agreement with Indonesia provided it was written and signed officially by both Indonesia and Australia publically, Chile's Minister offered to counter sign to ensure the agreement was met, however needed to speak to the Chile CP first.

TWO SC also sent the TWO Secretary of Foreign Affairs to try to negotiate a deal between Indonesia and Australia as well, however Chile had managed to talk to Indonesia first and arrive at a possible agreement first. The TWO Secretary of Foreign Affairs has also agreed that when the agreement is formally drawn up, provided both nations agree, they will counter sign the agreement to ensure the terms are met as an Alliance.

The Agreement is in the process of being drawn up over the weekend, it is hoped that Indonesia and Australia can work together for a mutually beneficial agreement and it will then be put before the Senate.

The Government will keep you updated on what occurs, but the Indonesia CP issued orders to their Congress late last night to reject the NE which seems to have occured.

We would like to thank Chile and TWO for choosing to assist by negotiating with Indonesia to arrive at a peaceful solution to this problem.