[Interview series]eNorway´s Citizens Part IX: Stakerauo|Norway

Day 2,394, 14:54 Published in Norway Norway by MrManiac

Hello eNorway, Hello rest of the eWorld.

Welcome to the 9th and last part of this series! Our guest for this part is Stakerauo from Norway.

Personal Part

1. First Name/Nick Name

My first name is Aleksander. In addition to my real name, I have many nicknames. Unfortunately, they're too many to mention.

2.Age / weight ( 😃 ):
I'm 18 years old, and I weigh about 80kg, lol 🙂 (We should get lots of people to say this, and mix it in to a 3 minute long motivational videos about being comfortable with your body)

3.How do you spend your free time:

I mostly spend my free time reading for school, or working at one of my part time jobs. I also spend time with my friends and family if the opportunity is there. And by opportunity I mean, nothing to read for, nothing new I want to learn right now, and not currently at work.


I'm a student at Bodø Upper Secondary School, graduating class of 2014.

5.Favorite Singer/Ban😛

I never really get that involved in music. I may like one band or a singer for a little while, but then I'll move on and find something new.

6.Favorite Song:
Same goes for music. However, if I was to choose a song which I really like it would have to be “I shoulda tried harder”, by Wax. It's a happy song of mediocre quality, but I think it's a good reminder that there is always room for improvements, and that I should never stop working to achieve the goals I set.


7.Fav Movie/Series:
I really liked Forrest Gump. I think it's interesting how you notice new historical details every time you watch it, and the film is just all over nice.

I also recently watched “Shutter Island” with Leonardo DiCapro with my friends. Spolier alert: I was fascinated by how it foreshadows the truth, and makes you realise early on that the main character is in fact a patient. You kind of end up looking for more hints to see if your theory actually is valid.

8.What are you afraid of?

Spiders! Who aren't afraid of spiders!? I'm afraid of most common natural fears. I don't get any noticeable symptoms, but if I was to, say, skydive, it would make me a lot more comfortable if I didn't die if my parachute failed.

9.Best way for somebody to put a smile on your face:

I don't know really. I've kind of stopped doing the things I like to do in favour of the things I should do. I mean, there isn't really much room for fun in my life if I want to get a good job, a family to provide for, and if I want to make a difference. At least not now that I'm still in school, trying to get my grades up. So fun for me is really about doing the best out of the things I do anyway, like doing it with great people.

10.Most embarrasing moment in your life:

Oh, those embarrassing moments are everywhere. None of them really sticks out as any more embarrassing than the others, so I tend to forget them soon after. Only problem now is that the readers will think I'm trying to hide my most embarrassing moments because I'm too embarrassed to tell. How embarrassing... 😒

11.Why are you playing erepublik?

I don't, really. I'm somewhere between 2-clicking, and not even playing. The problem is that I don't always have time to log on here.

12.What other games do you play?

Sometimes we play car games on my TV when my friends come over for a beer. I also like to play Europa Universalis III when I'm on vacation, but I always hate playing it because I feel as if I should be doing something else.

RL Country Part:

1.Your RL Country:

Norway! However, since we're in eNorway I guess I could specify and say that I live in Bodø in Nordland. And let it be clear that there is nothing as beautiful as a fembøring on the middle of the sea, fishing in the midnight sun. o7

2.What do you like best about your country/what are you proud of?

Well, I guess the fact that it's the best country in the whole world is kinda nice. At least, it's one of the best countries to live in according to the UN. But really, what I like about Norway is the tolerance, pacifism, and the individualism. To better explain: In Norway things will always end well, because the people and the politicians don't want it to end in conflict.

3.What do you hate/like least about your country?

To be honest, I think most Norwegians are snobby and self-centred sissies, which I guess is a bi-product of the individualism. I'm not saying this out of patriotism, but there is seemingly less of this in Nordland, although there's a ton of them here as well.

4.Where do you see big differences between your country and Norway?

Actually, I once met a huehuehue who said to me: “Never stop believing in your own abilities. You can do whatever you set your mind to”. It was so insanely inspiring I had to take a picture. Too bad I didn't need him.

I told him, that he does not have to answer that question. But he did anyways - interpret the answer in whatever way you want 😃

5.Which traditional food from Norway should all eNorwegians try?

There is no appetizing traditional food from Norway. Although, lappskaus is pretty amazing. Tørrfesk is amazing too. I lived a couple of years in small fishing village up further north in Nordland. We were only kids when I lived there, so in the summer my friends and I would go steal tørrfesk from one of the farms and eat it down at the harbour. Sometimes while being a spectator of the annual world championship in dried cod head tossing(Tørska torskhaudryling), which is hosted at the same exact harbour. Oh, and I just remembered that I like brunost, and whale beef as well.



In short: fish dried in the open.

Brunost - Brown Cheese:

6.Which traditional food should we avoid?

Pretty much everything.

I found this one especially...interesting:

Smalahove is a Western Norwegian traditional dish made from a sheep's head, originally eaten before Christmas. The skin and fleece of the head is torched, the brain removed, and the head is salted, sometimes smoked, and dried. The head is boiled or steamed for about three hours and served with mashed rutabaga and potatoes. It is also traditionally served with Akvavit. In some preparations, the brain is cooked inside the skull and then eaten with a spoon or fried.Originally, smalahove was typically eaten by the poor, but today it is considered a delicacy.

I think I´d rather eat Haggis...

7.Your favorite tradition in Norway:

Christmas/Jul. I like it because it's dark and snowy. Also, around Christmas I can always strap on my skis, and go spend the day in the forest, or in the mountains. Well, it seems to have stopped snowing in Norway the past three or four years, but I'm still waiting to put my skis back on for more than just a day.

8.Most beautiful part of your country?

I got to be honest and say that I like it pretty well here in Nordland. The outdoor activities are many, and there's a lot to see. Even I who have lived here pretty much all of my life is not tiered of my surroundings. And the best thing is: It's too cold for most spiders to survive up here.

Reinefjord - Lofoten


9.Can you tell/show us a typical Norwegian joke/cartoon/caricature?

I don't know many typical Nordlandic jokes, but there is there are millions of jokes about people from northern Norway. In fact, every joke book with respect for itself has a Northerner-category.

I found and translate one for you, just for fun. I guess it doesn't really work if you're not familiar with northern stereotypes but whatever:

A Vålerenga fan, a Rosenborg fan, and a Tromsø fan(football teams) are on a football trip and are sitting in a pub. They are all staring over at a man sitting alone at a table in the corner. There is something oddly familiar with him, but none of them are able to recognize him. They stare and stare until the Vålerenga fan suddenly exclaims :

"My God, it's Jesus!"

Yes, indeed, there sat Jesus with an almost empty pint. Full of excitement they all buy him one beer each. One Ringnes, one Dahl, and one Mack. Jesus smiles, welcoming the pints and enjoys them one by one. When he is done, he gets up and walks over to the three men. He stretches out his hand against the Vålerenga fan and thanks him for the Ringnes beer. Once he's is done the Vålerenga fan cries of enthusiasm:

"My God, I have had arthritis for 10 years, and now it is gone! This is surely a miracle!"

Jesus then takes the Rosenborg fan in his hand and thanks him for the fresh pint of Dahl. When he lets go, the Trønder(people from Trønderlag. Rosenborg is in Trønderlag) is almost in shock:

"Amazing! My back pain is completely gone! This is also a miracle!"

Jesus then turns to the Northerner who is forcefully pushing chairs and tables in panic to get away from having to touch Jesus' han😛

"What's wrong?" Asks Jesus.
"Get yourself away from me!" Cries the northerner . “I'm on disability!”

10.A movie/series from Norway everybody should watch:

Lilyhammer is probably the only good TV-thing to have come out of Norway for a loooong time.

Lilyhammer is a Norwegian television series, starring Steven Van Zandt, about a fictional New York gangster, Frank "The Fixer" Tagliano, trying to start a new life in isolated Lillehammer in Norway.

11.A band/singer from Norway everybody should know:

For those who like traditional Norwegian culture Wardruna is a good band to start with. It's a band which makes traditional Norwegian music, with traditional Norwegian instruments, in traditional Norwegian style, and who sings in New Norwegian, but heavily influenced by traditional Old Norwegian. Also, one of the singers is Gaahl. The singer in the traditional Norwegian black metal band Gorgoroth, for those who are in to that.

Here live in Netherlands.

12.A great book/writer from Norway everybody should rea😛

I'm not a great fan of Norwegian literature, and I really prefer British or American books. Although I guess I'll have to admit Henrik Ibsen's use/invention of retrospective flashbacks was pretty impressive. Oh, and I like most of Arnulf Øverland's works, although I've only read poetry and essays by him. I don't even know if he's ever written anything else.

Henrik Ibsen:


Arnulf Øverlan😛


13. What are people from your country really good at?

Expecting things to turn out fine no matter what they do.

14.The biggest idiot in your country is:

I want to say Hans Bauge, but he hasn't been relevant since the 90's -and- he's amusing.

At least here he is talking about whaling. Don't turn of the connotations.

15.Teach us a saying from Norway:

I could teach you an old saying from the region I live in:

Å knull ei hora e som å ro te Lofoten med fyrstikka.

To fuck a whore is like rowing to Lofoten with fire matches, instead of paddles.(Because it's no use)
(You might want to censor this part. There is simply no saying from my area that isn this morbid) - Nope 😃

Actually, this one is good too:

Ørna tar ikke unga.

The eagle doesn't take children.

It became very common to say that here in Bodø, because children being taken by eagles became a serious problem. Most of you might not know this, but there is no other place in the world with as many sea eagles as Bodø. Believe it or not, but I was once sitting at a bench in the middle of the town, by a trafficked street, when two eagles slammed in to the ground in front of me, fighting over a piece of fish.

16.Teach us a typical swear word from Norway:

Well, as some of you may know northern Norwegians are infamous for our ability to swear. In fact, swearing is a very important part of our society up here. So say that I would want to tell someone to be a little bit more quiet I might yell:

"Se nu te helvete å hold kjæft på dæ, de satans svartsvidde lørvefette."

Directly translated to “Look the hell in to shutting the mouth on you, you satanic charcoaled rag pussy”.

The stereotypical northern swear word is usually just “Hestkuk” though, which means horse cock. Most southerners think this is a swear word, but in reality it's really just an expression of affection. Example: A man from northern Norway was arrested in Trondheim because he said to a police officer, “You're a proper horse cock!”, when the police officer decided to be nice to him.

Thank you, Stakerauo, for your time! 🙂

As already mentione😛 this is the last part of this series. We have met nine eNorwegians from nine different RL countries. I hope you enjoyed it and might even have learned something.

The series might return on a later point though. I just need to find more eNorwegians with different backgrounds (Zanman, I am coming for you! 😃 )

Don´t forget to rea😛
PartI - Xibbard|The Netherlands
PartII - Tangerine Dream|Greece
PartIII: Snohetta|Turkey
Part IV: Read Beard the Scotsman|Scotland
Part V: Joshua Morriseau|Canada
Part VI: Furious Tank|Bulgaria
Part VII: drru|Ukraine
Part VIII: Grabarzstg|Poland