[Ashwamedh] Some News Some Fun

Day 1,875, 20:54 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr


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Morning guys,

Nothing much to report except we lost a reasonably close battle in Northern India (where we did not really bother to fight) and the Croats immediately attacked Kashmir. This is to gain an iron region and thus bolster weapons production for them.

In doing so they have lost the Chinese MPP which could have interesting consequences, especially since that means China are also without Croatian MPP and could have a tougher time defending against Spain who have declared them as their NE and are poised to launch an attack.

As far as india goes, the cabinet has been discussing the various avenues and it has been a fruitful meeting last night. Our CP will have all details for you.

Now onto my mandatory dose of humour and this one's personal 😃 sorryif its lame ... sadly its true! 😉

Two Beggers meet. .
Two Software Engineers meet. .
Both asked the same Question to Each other.!
Guess What??? . . . .

“So? Which Platform are you Working on”

and this one is something cricket fans will understand 🙂


Before closing - something that is close to me, being a science fiction buff and a dreamer that one day maybe we will colonise the universe 🙂 I have been following the progress of the Curiosity rover as often as I can, and it has uncovered lots of unexpected and potentially exciting things on Mars. this latest pic shows an unusual, crystalline flower embedded in rock...very unusual to say the least. (Does anyone remember or know about the unusual rock globules it had found sometime back?) really cool stuff!!


* Fight as per orders ONLY, communicate with your MU commander and get organised!!!

* Save all your energy bars and bazookas for when required.

* Help with dispatch or anything else that you can (donating funds/weapons whatever)

Let's fight as best possible and build social interaction!!