Winning eRepublik (Part 2)

Day 500, 00:22 Published in USA USA by Ananias

In Winning eRepublik (Part 1) I offered my definition of “winning” eRepublik. I also suggested that if we agree that there is an “ultimate” destination that can be reached on winning eRepublik, we can also assume that there is a “critical path” to accomplishing it most efficiently.

Within the idea of a critical path, or the most successful sequence of actions to achieve victory, lies my definition of leadership.

First off it is important to understand that there is a difference between being an effective leader and an effective manager; a leader is an individual that uses their influence and authority to progress toward the destination, a manager is an individual that uses their authority to keep everyone on the critical path. Management is a skill to be learned and focuses on effectively and productively maintaining the status quo, the mantra being that all is well as long as we remain on the path; Leadership is a talent that naturally focuses on progressing toward the destination. Managers require people and processes to manage; Leaders are comfortable with leading individually.

We have had some outstanding managers in positions of authority in the history of the eUnited States, individuals that have been productive and well-liked, and some that have been productive and disliked, and that, through exercise of authority or passivity, kept us on the critical path without leading us even one step closer to the destination. Unfortunately, leaders have been rare, so as Jon Barack Bluejacket mentioned in my last installment

“we've just been spinning our wheels."

It is sometimes very challenging to distinguish leaders from managers in a virtual environment, where the selection of an appealing avatar or the appropriate application of spam can be the deciding factor of the authority furnished by the electorate; but there are a couple of very obvious result of leadership:

Things will change…and the accumulation of personal authority gives way to unity of purpose.

Managers generally avoid change, even when it is evidence of progress…they are generally the most vocal opponents of leaders because change inevitably, though temporarily, affects productivity by forcing the people they manage from their comfort zone, the place that they have settled on the path. The point that managers, and those that are in their comfort zone, fail to recognize at times, is that the further we progress toward our destination the more the scenery is likely to change.

Managers require the mantle of authority, whether real or perceived, to establish and maintain the position of the subordinates in their sphere of control on the critical path. The greater the amount of influence and power that a manager accumulates, the greater the number of people that can be controlled, a manager requires subordinates to justify their position, a leader does not need to justify their role, they’re simply moving toward the destination along the critical path.

I once heard that the best way to tell if you are a leader is to take a look behind you to see who is following. I guess that depends on your perspective, if you are watching from the comfort zone and see a stream of people moving ahead with one individual in the lead, you may perceive that they are following the leader…when, in reality, if the individual in the lead looks back, he or she will see that those progressing down the road are not looking at the person in the lead, but instead at the destination.

I believe that both President Scrabman and Defense Secretary Moishe have evidenced that they are proven leaders that are seeking progress. Once again, I believe all the candidates are quality individuals that will likely manage this country well, but the only ticket that I see with proven leaders that will facilitate progress toward my ultimate goal, to be part of the winning nation in eRepublik is Scrabman and Moishe, and while I could offer my second choice, the reality remains that the eUnited States of America deserves the best.

**The following is a description of the evidence that I see as qualifying President Scrabman and Defense Secretary Moishe as proven leaders that will facilitate progress toward our goal, I committed to Eugene Harlot in my last article to specify their actions in that regard, so I apologize to my readers for the extended length.**

~ Mexican Resistance War / Baja War Games ~

Against substantive opposition by several of the other candidates, Scrabman was successfully able to complete the negotiations on an agreement started by Former President Uncle Sam and Former Senator Publius to establish a continuing series of war games specifically for the training, wellness and experience for the eAmerican citizens. The ability to have the vision to begin building our national “bench” strength while avoiding confrontation and wholesale increase in the strength of PEACE (read the terms of the agreement) evidences the vision of an eAmerica that is stronger defensively and provides a greater encouragement for enlistment in the traditional armed services of our nation. Once eUS citizens have a taste for fighting and out trained to fight effectively, they will desire more, and our all branches of our military will benefit from their engagement.

~Congressional Accountability~

One of the many actions that those that which to manage the eUS rather than lead the eUS have railed about is the transfer of revenues to the Congress for management and distribution. Candidates and individuals that are most opposed to this action are those that seek to accumulate the power that unilateral control taxpayer funds represents. I guess, to them, just being elected President of the eUnited States of America is just not worth it if they are not allowed to spend money unilaterally and capriciously. In my opinion, the transfer to and accountability for funds by Congress has allowed for the successful implementation of the Congressional Budget Office, which will now allow the Congress to determine expenditures (as is there responsibility), disburse funds from non-treasury accounts, and react with greater flexibility and responsiveness to military and economic emergency requirements as events unfold, rather than awaiting the return online of a unitary executive that may be away for days. I believe that this is clear evidence of progress toward congressional accountability and our ability as a nation to meet priority requests without relying solely on an individual player that may choose to act in opposition to the priorities and requirements of the eUnited States of America because he or she decides to withhold funds for the lulz (or whatever motivation)

~The Delegation of Authority~

A critical change in approach to the application of Presidential authority took place with the Scrabman Administration. I consider that one of the strongest evidences of President Scrabman as a leader who seeks progress rather than personal power is his emphasis on delegation and communication. Before the Scrabman presidency, the President determined when he wanted to talk to his cabinet and what power he was willing to “lease” to his cabinet; the arrival of President Scrabman ushered in a new commitment to near-constant communication and delegation of efforts which has resulted in improvements in delegation and efficiencies in response that dwarf nearly every other administration that I have observed in action. I characterize the current administration as approachable, open to ideas from all quarters, inclusive, and, most importantly, responsive…and all this in a little more than a week, imagine how robust those communication channels will be for the citizens of the eUS given 30 more days.

These are just three important factors that I feel are evidences of President Scrabman’s and Defense Secretary Moishe’s qualifications as leaders that will enable us to better achieve our central goals as a nation in eRepublik. I could probably write ten more each just relating to President Scrabman or Defense Secretary Moishe, but this article is already getting too extensive.

As a final note, I will say that there are many improvements and a great deal of work still to be done as it relates to the economy and the military, more bridges need to be built, stronger communication channels need to be established, and greater efforts at establishing consensus foreign policy and military strategies need to emerge, but likely the greatest endorsement that I can give is this personal note: When no one else gave me an opportunity to contribute, Scrabman did, because, as all good leaders do, he saw past inexperience and hot-headedness and gave me an opportunity to partner with him to try and win the game of eRepublik.

And he and Moishe will do the same for every eCitizen that is willing to unify for the common purpose of “winning” eRepublik

Vote for progress, vote for leaders…vote to win

Vote Scrabman/Moishe, April 5th 2009