What to do now!?!

Day 373, 11:14 Published in Germany Turkey by DKN

Because a lot of ppl wrote that Congress should do and decide something but they don't really know about what, I give some issues:

Isssu 1
- a political structure!
+ What kind of ministers will we have and what are their areas of interests
+ Who will be that ministers
+ How can we ensure to be all informed about the work of these ministers

Solution 1 (ofc not a solution - more or less a proposal)

- a Finance Minister, Military Minister, Economy Minister...(more ideas and proposals)
-> DKN (currently running the Bundesbank) will care of DEM (exchange rate, amount of DEM, planning to get more gold to our treasury)
*informs always on the first of a month about the current situation

-> Isy (holder of the organisation Bundeswehr) will be our General and soon nominate colonels in each region that care for their soldier there (a hierarchic system which will decide between active player=army and not so active player=reserve). His task is to make plans of defense and to coordinate our soldiers in war and peace time - cares for equipment...
*informs the congress always at the 10th of a month about the military situation
*informs colonels and soldier if needed

->JustineTyme (holder of the account Bundesministerium des Inneren) will care for our economy. He will set incentives and watch the market for abuse (a free market regulation agency). This orga will also be the owner of state owned companies.
*always on the 1th of a month a public report about the sate owned companies, taxes ideas, and new economical facts (unemployment, exports, imports) and about the development of the market prices in eGermany

-> WE NEED MORE ACTIVE PPL in the government! Ideas?proposals?

Issue 2
- a apology to the Polish nation!
+ an apology because we attacked them


a Congress member writes an proposal of such an apology in his small newspaper -> Congress will discuss and adopt -> a member will put it into the Politic-Area of the Community-Forum.

Issue 3
- More Germans to the game.
+ invitations to friends
+ invitations and adds in public forums


we need to create an German add to get more Germans (for example from trivian.de) to erep (Germany). A German text that tells them why to join erep - don't mention the bugs *lol*

Issue 4
- forum
+ register at forum


Lhasa is creating a new forum for us where we can discuss everything - such a forum would be very important for us to speak about more confidential things. BTW we have an official German (but bilingual IRC) irc://irc.littleproject.de#eRepublik (just use ur chatzilla for firefox and copy paste that line)

More issues will come later. We need to try to concentrate on that at first then we will see there is a lot to do and a lot to decide (how big should be the budget of the Bundeswehr, what is a good tax, what is a good exchange rate...etc.)