What happens next!

Day 360, 19:48 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

Setting: (In the aftermath of beating Brazil, and after that, and so on.)

When Atlantis beats Peace are we going to split up or are we going to live the story of the novel "1984" (were groups of countries ((Like Atlantis and Peace)) just continue to fight, but fight because if one side conquered the other then MAD would happen.((I know the book didn't mention Nukes but it was based on the future during 1948 were they do have Nukes))

I know that we don't have nukes, but if Atlantis conquers Peace then does each country just face each other,or those Atlantis become temporary less active like NATO in Rl ( i am not saying they are inactive)?Although just because "1984" was one way of the world of going doesn't mean it will happen.

I know I am a noob so I am not saying anything that I am right,but I do need to know what this means for us, and our future.
But in the mean time....

Americans prepare for war! Be Prepared because "Brazilians are coming! The Brazilians are coming!". Joe average citizens need (but don't have to) to donate goods to support troops.
We just need the thumbs up from congress!Then we beat Brazil.
It looks like the "eRepublik Insider "was right- Ares is visiting

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