What's up guys?

Day 1,347, 16:50 Published in Brazil Romania by Bogdan_L

What the h33l is happening here?

Just did open the site, Hungary out of America, Serbia down on his knees. What has it change? Couple of days ago if you would win 1 RW in Serbia it will be Christmas, all the southern USA was fortified by Huns.

Poland wasn't bothered by any problem for months.

What is happening here?

Serbia is not just loosing ALL the RWs but even acknowledge in the MoD newspaper that doesn't have any chance in any one, just fight in some MPP battle that strange, it is close.

Hungary is completely out of USA, like they never had been there, FYROM is loosing almost everything.

I checked my damage, nothing changed other my normal increase. No rules have changed. No many RWs, nothing. I checked the battles all over the world. No huge tanking in anyone. All the heroes are 2-3-400k max! So no gold involvement there. But even if it was, I knew that Scymex or PedjaT are still there.

So, what has it changed?

2-3 days ago, all the World is ours, right now we cannot defend anything?(by a far margin)

Can anybody tell me what has changed?


Update: Serbia lost ALL the links with the colonies without any heavy tanking from the romanian side(just random hitters).

I really don't get it.

Serbia 78 on line in the middle of the night. Couple of days ago, they have been hundreds. What has happened?