Vote Thr33 (TUP) for Congress

Day 367, 09:46 Published in United Kingdom Chile by Thr33

Well, I've been playing since some time ago and I would like to candidate myself for Congress

What I promise, I do it. You should know I have been playing since 3 or 4 months ago and I have had a very good time. It is time for a change.

The UK is ranked 8th, unacceptable. The UK should be the first! Why? Very simple...we have the best citizens and we have people like me , who want something better for the UK.

My ideal is the following. To reduce taxes for some foreign products suck as grain, food, weapons, and houses. Why? Well, normal citizens are not having a very good moment (economicly). It's not easy for them to survive. And their first need is food (you need grain for that), secondly weapons (what is a soldier with no weapons? nothing), and houses so they have more adquisitive power.

My theory is simple, and consists of 4 steps:

1.If we lower taxes, we allow more foreign products in and prices will lower because of competence.

2.If prices go down (specially on food) salaries will not be so insignificant, giving citizens more adquisitive power.

3.If they can buy more they could buy a house (lowering their food cost, and making the salary have a much higher value).

4.If that happens, citizens will be able to buy weapons. Weapons = power. It's clear that with no good army, you are nothing in this game. So if we arm all our citizens, and be more involved in foreign politics, we will get a higher rank and our citizens will have a more engoyable game to play.

So basicly my ideal is to give citizens more adquisitive power.

If you want a better UK, vote Thr33