FDP Congress Manifesto:

Day 761, 03:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jazzaa

Hello London,

My name is Jazzaa and I am standing for congress in London, representing the Free Democratic Party. The FDP has been going from strength to strength recently and we are nearly at last, coming close to breaking into the top 5. In the meantime however, JvB has kindly let us run candidates under his party.

Why vote FDP?

“The Free Democratic Party is a party committed to efficient government, effective government, and energetic government. We operate along the lines of a state that is as large and involved as is necessary, but as small and disinterested as possible. We believe in personal freedoms, both social and economic, and we believe in the importance of market reliance in questions of economic stability and growth. We believe in the rights of national self-determination, and the rights of a people to decide the path they wish their government to pursue through a free and fair democratic process. These are our bedrock political principles. Party policy will be derived from these basic beliefs, and the FDP will challenge all governmental policy that runs counter to them” – The FDP constitution.

Why vote Jazzaa?

I am an active member of the FDP community, being one of the most forum active members in the party currently and have recently taken up the role of media director in the party, trying to get the word out. I’m easy to contact if issues arise and I am willing to meet the needs of the people whenever possible.

As a congressman, I would like to help increase the amount of forum active people as there are far too many people taking a back seat role in party politics and I will PM as many noobs as possible to make sure they understand the need to get forum active.

I would like to get the FDP more representation on the political ladder and would love to represent London in congress. I hope I can rely on your vote on the 25th.
