V2: On using Training Grounds and the Library effectively

Day 962, 15:11 Published in Canada Canada by Lavis Knight

Hello everyone,

V2 has begun and with it all sort of analysis on the best way to develop ones character in a cost effective manner. For most Citizens of the new world Gold is a scarce commodity and which leads to the question? How do we use our boosters effectively? Should we use boosters at all?

From this question i would like to focus briefly on the: Training grounds and Library

The analysis is largely dependant on income in terms of gaining the most skill you can each day.

For sake of simplicity of this illustration let us round up the costs of all boosters:

Napoleon and Success Stories - 200% for 1.8 Gold
Caesar's Battles and Keynes Theories - 100% for 1.5 Gold
Boot camp and Production Basics - 50% for 0.2 Gold
Army Boots and Business 101 - 10% for 0 Gold

At the very start of this analysis we can plainly see that Caesar's battles and Keynes theories are a highly ineffective booster not worth putting your points in. Even if one had enough to train with Caesar every day they would also have enough to train with Napoleon every two days which would amount to the same effectiveness while saving money. So for purposes of this analysis in any instance that one would consider using Caesar -> Napoleon will always be more effective.

However what is interesting about V2 is the fact that Boot Camp and Napoleon are not quite as clear cut as Caesar and Napoleon. (Or Success Stories and Keyne).

Basically this analysis comes down to -> The highest sustainable stat gain in relation to sustainable income.

To break this down you only need to ask yourself one question: Can you train with Napoleon with a frequency of once per four days or better? If so then the answer is clearly Napoleon; however, for the rest of us it will be Boot camp: Let me demonstrate.

Let us assume that our base stat gain is 5 and that we are trying to maximize our stat gain over time:

At four days you can see that Napoleon barely pushes past bootcamp but is farther along all the same:

1) With Napoleon:

Day 1 -> 15 (Napoleon 200😵, Day 2 -> 5.5 (Army Boots), Day 3 -> 5.5 (Army Boots), Day 4 -> 5.5 (Army Boots)

Stats gaine😛 31.5
Cost in Gol😛 1.8

2) With Boot Camp:

Day 1 -> 7.5 (Boot Camp 50😵, Day 2 -> 7.5 (Boot Camp), Day 3 -> 7.5 (Boot Camp), Day 4 -> 7.5 (Boot Camp)

Stats gaine😛 30
Cost in Gol😛 0.8

The Breakpoint as you can guess is a frequency of 5 days or more:

1) With Napoleon (Just add 5.5 to the total)

Stats gaine😛 37
Cost in Gol😛 1.8

2) With Boot Camp (Just add 7.5 to the total)

Stats gaine😛 37.5
Cost in Gol😛 1

The same principle also applies to the library as well.

So as you can see if you are looking to use boosters but cannot afford the 200% bonus at least once every 4 days it is not worth using as you instead can use boot camp 9 times with the same resources.

Best of luck in future battles!
