USA-Ireland War Games fixed by Friday!

Day 539, 22:49 Published in USA USA by scrabman

Citizen malosanmaka suggested a way to restart the War Games for free in the comments to my last article. I have developed his suggestion into the following plan.

Wednesday (Day 540) at 12:00 USA or Ireland proposes peace with the other.
Thursday (Day 541) at 12:00 the opposite nation from yesterday gets the peace proposal.
Friday (Day 542) at 12:00 USA-Ireland War closes and releases Britain who then MPPs with USA at their leisure.
Friday at 1:00 Ireland attacks Newfoundland and reopens war with USA for free.
Friday at 1:30 Ireland attacks Rhode Island and reopens war with all other USA allies.
Saturday (Day 543) at 12:00 Britain has a MPP with USA and are part of the war games on the next attack by Ireland (which will cancel Britain's MPP with Ireland).

Ireland can't attack Canada again after today until we get our peace to pass with them which will be Friday at about 12:00. As soon as our peace with Ireland closes the war then Britain will have to MPP with us and we have to make sure not to mess that up. On Friday at approximately 12:00 our war with Ireland should be closed. If Ireland were to attack Canada again it would immediately put us back at war with Ireland but it shouldn't mess up Britain because Ireland would not get the benefit of those MPPs. So we should say no more attacks until Friday.

Conceivably, that means that we could have Ireland attack both Newfoundland AND Rhode Island on Friday. As soon as they attack Newfoundland we are at war with Ireland for free (no 300 gold cost) which means they can attack us and re-activate all of our MPPs without screwing Britain. Britain's MPP will pass sometime on Saturday and then they will be able to get in on the next attack by Ireland which will cancel out their MPP that they hold with Ireland and we will be where we need to be.

Does that sound right? Look for the schedule to get started sometime tomorrow.

Further, we are still looking for gold contributions from the participating countries to Ford Knox Federal Reserve

In other news ... I just hit MEDIA MOGUL!