URGENT: Romanians planning attack

Day 362, 04:33 Published in Ireland Ireland by irish_rebel

Update: Please vote article, even if I only send the message. We need to spread the news.
I know that the missing spaces between words. That's the idea.
You probably have heard of many events in Ireland, in August.
I would like to expand the grouping, in view of new shares next month.
Please vote if you are interested and imitrimiteti a message (or comment here, but not too pointed).
The new voting system makes impossible to stop a well-organized action, with some participants discipline.
It can vote even if you move the election day, citizens can not vote in November (so people do nupot clone).
It's enough to be disciplined.
I will conducedirect all actions.
I do not accept any deindisciplina.
Proposals are accepted, discussions, criticisms (in a private, a forum / group Yahoo!) But take the final decision.
You will be moved each time you require, to employees at the firm, was elected articles, to write articles, the works.
I will pay all expenses (travel tickets, pay in the days when you sit there).
Benefits: action fun money weapons.
Nustiu country probabilvom choose infunctie than we have.
(and vomevita saluam tarialiate)
Will be hit and run, we need 2-3 days of your time.
The original post is: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/soarta-e-scuza-celor-slabi-698373/1
