[EDIT] Turkish cheaters?! No, way.... [Истината за турските банани!]

Day 1,147, 07:25 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by NKFV
Please, sign this Open Letter:

Dear citizens,

We want to share with you the fact that these citizens took illegal advantages using a system exploit and this is the biggest error a citizen can make in eRepublik! The accounts are temporarily banned for investigations and most probably some of them will get permanent banned.

To be more specific, in the last 15 days, these citizens discovered the possibility to work many times per day and some of them managed to use this exploit even more than 140 times during this period, instead of letting us know about the issue. As a result, they gained illegal work skills and illegal stocks!

We strongly suggest you that every time when you discover an exploit or a bug, report it immediately to the eRepublik Team or you may get permanently banned!

As for the President, we are sorry for any inconvenience! We will temporary unban the account in order for Turkey to have a President, but we will clear all his skills. We really hope that you will be more carefully, in the future, when you will choose your Country President!

Kind regards,
Your eRepublik Team

I saw a comment from my friend donAsher, who said that we must not judge a whole nation after some of the natives. No, no and again NO! When that whole nation supports the same cheaters and sign so many threats in the forum, they don't deserve nothing, but disregard. Everyone remember the gold river to the Croatian National Bank and the polish thousands of multies. Actually, i was a victim of a polish hacker, but i didn't see articles or threats in the forum from the same guys, calling for "justice". So... PERMANENT BAN TO ALL TURKISH CHEATER!!!!

Истинита започва да излиза на яве! Турците са открили начин да работят по стотици пъти на ден, с което са създавали огромни количества танкове к5. От известно време се повдигаше въпроса как в канала #itrade Лазократите продават на доста по-ниска цена. Ами ето това е отговора. Чрез този бъг за генерирали ужасно много фалшиви танкове, от които получават хиляди злато на ден. Към момента само един е с постоянен бан, другите се очаква да ги върнат, но в момента им коригират уменията. И пак ми се струва, че за такова еПрестъпление си заслужават банана всичките, но явно няма да стане и ще започнат да ги връщат в играта.