Trust must be earned: why I cannot support Antonio Salgado for president

Day 375, 14:01 Published in Thailand Thailand by Ealb
"So i ask you eThai people. Give me a trust vote, let me show to you that i want to do it seriously and transparent. Give me a vote of Hope."
--Antonio Salgado

Antonio has asked us not just to trust him, but to give him our hope. This is a valid request, and he needed to make it. If we vote for Antonio, we will be giving him our hope that he will be a competent and decent leader. We will be trusting him to do right by us. Because we can't possibly know he'll be competent and decent, we have no assurance he'll do right. Electing Antonio is a vote of hope, but it's not a hope that a promising future will arrive so much as it is a hope that a grim past will not repeat itself. A vote for Antonio is a vote for the hope that this time, the leopard really has change its spots.

I'm not convinced.

Antonio has, to say the least, a checkered past. During Rockman's two terms, he held no political office, but he was TNT and Rockman's most vocal and ardent supporter. He joined in September's TNT "lol all criticism is jealous flaming" game, and the TNT "mimimimi" game. When TNT lost control of the Congress on October 1st, he stepped up from occasional laudatory praises of Rockman to denouncing opposition politicians as traitors who wanted to "sell" eThailand to ePakistan, and destroy the economy to fatten their company's coffers. In fairly short order, he became the most vocal member of TNT, moreso even than Rockman. When criticism of Rockman's policies were raised, he was there to defend them, without fail and without question. He wouldn't hesitate to call opposition politicians selfish, treacherous, and childish, all while expressing indifference to the state of the economy and the effects of various reckless policies on his fellow eThais.

And then the horrifically bugged October Congressional elections occurred. TNT suddenly had 26 seats out of 40. And TNT went from being note as being unresponsive and economically incompetent to horribly corrupt and actively destructive. And Antonio cheered them on.

He remained their most outspoken supporter. He began to get into discussions of policy with their Congressional representatives if he hadn't already. The infamous Czech Hospital scandal took place in all its hideous majesty. How did he respond? ""why my companies received only 10k?" (here) Fear not; his complaint was not in vain, as he received another 10k before the day was out. When asked to donate the money to Iron Bank to hold until after the November presidential election, he hemmed, hawed, claimed he'd better keep it so it didn't get stolen... oh, and reported Beorn for accusing him of corruption and lying. About this time, I assume Antonio realize that others might be able to go back through the various articles and comments he'd made, and level accusations at him. Magically, they vanished. Not all his past statements, of course, but some of them. Some nasty ones, some hostile ones. They vanished right out of comment threads, leaving the people he'd been talking to talking to themselves, with quotes from him occasionally lingering in their comments. E.g., Antonio (no longer) defends Rockman's economic policies against all comers. Now, Antonio claims this to be a strange and mysterious coincidence. I can't prove it isn't. And I emphasize that, lest I be accused of calumny. I cannot prove this because it's unprovable, but it looks very much that way indeed.

Moving onwards from this digression into apparent personal whitewashing, the opposition responded to the Czech Hospital heist with a boycott of TNT companies, organized by the author. This voluntary market manipulation was cited by Antonio as a grave violation of the eRepublik rules. Can't say which ones, because poking about and Googling the Erepublik forum fails to turn up such a post. Huh. Pretty sure it was number 10 though.

Rockman made his famous self-coronating "consititution"... and Antonio signed off on it, But don't worry, that's just playing, right? It's cool if we elect an eThai President who has openly stated since this is just a game it's totally cool if you "role play" someone "evil"... right? This was, I'm sure, why we had Antonio wandering about declaring ePakistan and eIndonesia would burn, and generally dreaming and scheming of an eThailand invaded, alongside his liege Rockman.

Under our newly crowned "emperor", Antonio continued to loudly support the destructive TNT economic policies. TNT wants to increase the minimum wage to 10 baht per day? Well, he supports it, but he was disappointed they didn't increase it to 20 as he'd suggested.

Somewhere around 25 days ago, Antonio saw the writing on the wall. Rockman was not likely to win another election. So we suddenly discovered a new, more reasonable Antonio. From the November Presidential election on, Antonio has been polite, civic, and high-minded. He finally got around to returning 20k of the 30k baht he admitted to have received from the government (21k from the Czech Hospital, the rest presumably from beta before access to the treasury was so strictly controlled). This statement was demonstrated by only 10k of what was in Iron Bank vanishing when the admins "undid" the Czech Hospital transaction.

So now we have Antonio, well-groomed and carefully diplomatic (well, for the most part). He's telling us he used to be uninvolved in eThai politics, that he had no part in the TNT corruption. He's telling us that, even if he was involved, he's reformed now. He's telling us he only wants what's best for our future.

I'm not convinced.

And I hope you're not either. I've seen him go from caustic to "playing nice" and back before. I remember him sending me a "can't we all be friends? peace and love!" (no, really) PM only days before making vulgar comments about me on his home forum. I hope the above history will help show the newcomers to eThailand why I don't trust him. I hope they won't need to learn from experience.

And if you really have changed, Antonio... that's great. I truly am glad to hear it. But the office of President is first and foremost an office of trust and responsibility. If you want our trust and hope, you need to act trustworthy. Work for the good of eThailand in a non-governmental role for a few months, and maybe we can learn to trust you. But for now, your past behavior makes you rather hard to trust indeed.