TRUE American Firepower [Update]

Day 579, 16:19 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe
Update, see here for the AMERICAN response to the (peace) article below this one in the media

VOTE IT UP!!!!!!

I log in today, and I see this article.
Not even going to link it.

PEACE(or peace, looks better small. 😃) plays a dirty game as usual, trying to take advantage of the fact that our population is huge and the majority of these players actually have little time to read everything around here. Couple that with the fact that YOU CAN'T SEE BATTLES ON THE HOMEPAGE THAT ARE ACTIVATED BY ALLIANCES, (which isn't right and I hope is something the admins are workin on) so sure enough, we have people log in fight in war games and log off.

(peace) has been stalking our media, having BS articles like one above voted into our top 5 media.
Only having 5 stories show up in the top 5 sucks too imho, I think it would better at 10 or at least 8. (Hook us up Admin!)

So what do we do about this? Well we vote up our own article, which goes like this.


Enemies of our nation aim to disrupt and confuse our populace with BS psychological warfare. They resort to voting up articles in OUR media. We will not allow them to smear their lies across our country. From here on out, whenever you see an article like the above being voted up in our media, call it out, leave comments letting our enemies know we are not asleep, and WILL defend our allies. They often play a dirty game around here, using backdoor tactics to achieve their repugnant goals.

We are citizens playing this game from America, OUR America. We will continue to grow our influence and power, we will become a true global powerhouse. This nation will continue to stand up against peace aggression and work to liberate the oppressed.

Perhaps we already have, hence the weak attempt in the unlinked article above.

Much Love, get some! (peace)
Joe DaSmoe

Americans fight here, defend our ally from invasion.
They wanna see us build a wall? Lets do it for a friend.
We see ya, better watchout