[CONGRESS ANNOUNCEMENT]Training fight - maximise your wellness

Day 495, 13:47 Published in Norway Hungary by Fulig di St James


We now continue our program of stimulating the economy. Since there are rare occasions for you to fight from home, and there are immense stockpiles of weapons at Norwegian weapon firms we started an RW in North Caucasus.

We urge everyone to fight in this war. Go to Sørlandet to enjoy the q5 hospital there and thus gain 50 wellness.

1, Please look after your wellness. Don't fight yourself after reaching below 50 wellness, go to hospital, and DON'T fight again until next erep day (clock is in the upper left) because you can go to hospital only once a day. ( If your wellness is lower than 50, fight only once, and go to hospital) this way you get 40 wellness for free)

2. Buy weapons if you have savings. There are immense stockpiles of weapons at Norwegian firms, so buy some q1 from them. (though don't waste loads of money on weapons, this is only for TRAINING and stimulating the economy).

3. Work for Norwegian companies when you have maximum wellness, for maximum productivity. You help Norway economy this way!

4. If your wellness is below 40, comment here, so we can send you gifts.

5. Preferably fight for the green side, so we don't loose this "training ground".

As a summary of the background of the congress' decision: This is the first money spent by the newly elected congress. About 58-68 percent of the congressmen are supporting our program for stimulating the economy, and this is a major step (diamond, grain and (by monday) wood taxes already lowered we had to offer some support for the weapon firms too. This was the cheapest way organizing a training war, that's why we went this way.

On the case of the new treasury. The president and the congress differs in some crucial issues, so the congress didn't have sufficient funds for the new economic bailout program. As we see, it is necessary to cope with the situation of losing our high resource regions since the economy needs cheap and easily accesible raw materials

By the way still no sign of getting those "borrowed" regions back.

Fulig di St James congressman and
the majority of eNorwegian Congress
