To Spain and Poland

Day 2,219, 15:55 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by MZZ Republike Slovenije
Dear citizens of Spain and Poland,

During the last month, The Slovenian government has made moves that were unexplained to a lot of people inside the alliance and even to Slovenian people. The most notable was definitely rejecting the Spanish MPP proposal and supporting the Portugese in resistance wars against Spain.

Slovenia has always been one of smaller countries in any alliance, but with a lot of diplomatic skills. Rejecting the MPP of a country in the same alliance and at the same time giving military assistance to their enemy is not a skill of a diplomatic country, whatever the reason for the attack. Of course that was not the act of the whole of Slovenia, but a specific political side in Slovenia who was at the time in a position of power. We cannot apologize for this act with the blaming of one side, but what we can do is apologize to the affected countries Spain and Poland.

Today TWO HQ released the article with the Slovenian and Spanish agreement to sign an MPP. Both countries signed proposals with a majority and currently there is an MPP proposal between Slovenia and Poland underway. But the Spanish and Polish people didn't want the article coming from TWO HQ. They wanted it from us, and they are getting it. Unfortunately a bit too late. This should have been the top priority at the beginning of the new MoFA mandate.

Even though there were disagreements between Slovenia and Spain-Poland, I hope we can end this and start this friendship all over again.

We apologize to Spain and Poland for the mistakes we made and conflicts we started.

With hopes for a positive future
The Slovenian Government