To all eUK Citizens! Transport For London & MoMaS Report

Day 421, 06:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Transport for London
Introduction to the Ministry of Migration and Support & Public Report

Ministry of Migration and Support
Ministry Directions/Introduction:
The Ministry of Migration and Support:The MoMaS (as it's too long to spell) will need to operate the Transport for London scheme to ease the overcrowding of London, and properly protect our outer lying regions. He will also be required to recruit highly skilled members of the workforce to our solid, fun community (the forums)

Are you new to eUK?

If you're new to eUK - welcome! It's a great place to be with the most organized government and forums ANYWHERE in the New World. On the subject of forums, get signed up!! 90% of eUK life or more is run on the forums - its a great community, where political debate and discussion goes down and where both friends and enemies are made! Head on over to eUK Forums

Do you live in London?

If you live in London you may not be getting the healthcare you deserve. This isn't because the London NHS is a poor performer in any way, but simply because London is extremely overpopulated, with over 1000 citizens, whereas some regions (for example East Midlands) have just 200-300 citizens.

You can help! If you want to move out of London today and do your bit to ease pressure on the NHS, the Ministry of Migration and Support in conjunction with Transport For London can offer you a free moving ticket, and even guide you to a region that might suit your needs.

We will be having an upcoming series of articles introducing two alternative eUK regions at a time.

For more information regarding Transport For London please don't hesitate to contact us, either by private message, or you can just comment below this article if you wish and we'll endeavor to get in contact with you.

Ministry of Migration and Support Report #1

In accordance with Government transparency and Public Information this Ministry Report is being made public through the Transport For London newspaper.

a) The ministry has received a budget of 400 GBP from the Ministry of Finance. The budget will be used in order to purchase moving tickets for those moving out of London to other eUK regions. Should war occur, the Ministry will also endeavor to move citizens to border regions.

b) The ministry has made posts on all eUK regional forums requesting that congressmen and local citizens come forward and speak out on why their region is a good place to reside. The ministry will then publish through TFL a series of articles detailing two regions at a time, publicizing alternative regions to the prospective currently London-based resident.

c) The ministry has and will continue to produce articles bringing forums to the attention of new and younger citizens, and will also publicize the eUK forums through our contact with citizens in Transport For London.

d) Transport For London currently has a deal on moving tickets with a company based in Ireland for 8GBP a ticket. We will be looking in the next week however to secure a deal with a British based company at a similar price.

e) The next report will feature:
- Details of MoMaS budget movements
- Details of numbers of citizens moved on the new budget
- Details of articles produce & reponse to regional forum threads

f) Finally, MoMaS will begin to encourage (through forums and private messaging) more regional activities, and offer full support to congressmen in setting up things like quizzes and other events to encourage regional activity (which comes under the 'Support' section of Ministry of MoMaS). We will be making further posts in the 'Ministry of Migration and Support' threads on regional forums detailing the offers of this support and how it can be obtained. This support will not be in monetary form currently, but the manpower, organization and publicity side of things.

Tommy Tommasino
Will Salmon

Ministry of Migration and Support
14th January 2009