The Trade Embargo With Ireland - Whats The Point?

Day 878, 07:33 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by John O'Melveny

So, what is the point of a trade embargo with Ireland?

To me, and to Ireland, it looks like the cowards way out.

True, a referendum of the eUK showed the following results to the question 'Do you want to attack Ireland?'

Yes - 36%

No - 47%

I Don't Care - 13%

This is a large majority of the population saying no.

Why did we say no to a war we had been so eager for earlier?
Well, we looked into it. A few months ago, we were in an identical position. However, we have experienced some role reversal.
We were trying to get the USA to attack us, and eventually, they did.
We watched and laughed, retreating regions and letting them fight as they pleased - we watched as they sunk tens of thousands of GOLD into opening multiple wars with us from different countries, using Q5s to avenge us for being 'traitors', and attacking (and failing to take) London.
In the end, they were forced to sign a treaty with us, handing us our regions back for absolutely no cost of our own, as they simply couldn't afford to wage war around the globe with us biting at their ankles by starting multiple resistance wars (for pretty much no cost - most regions were very empty because of our Fortress London strategy). They also, definitely could not afford to attack London again.
Now, we have a complete role reversal - we are the bigger country, and it is Ireland that wants us to attack a place with no high resource materials.
However, we are a smart country, and we have said no to wasting much of our hard earned GOLD, when we should be saving up as much as possible for V2.

Our trade embargo means nothing. However, we COULD make life very uncomfortable for Ireland.
We should use our position in a huge alliance to our advantage.

What do I mean?

I mean working as an alliance, as PHOENIX, and completely wrecking Irelands economy - we could ask our PHOENIX allies, each and every one of them, to make a trade embargo with Ireland.
There are 317 companies in Ireland. All together, these companies were bought for 14,580GOLD.
The licenses that these countries have bought cost people in Ireland 8,980GOLD.
We could waste Irish people thousands of GOLD by effectively doing this - we could make their hard-earned licenses to other countries be useless and make a huge proportion of that 9,000GOLD completely wasted, we would make their businesses fail and close down, we would make their wages drop as there would be less competition - go on, wouldn't you just love to see 0.1G a day knocked off of Irish wages?

Putting their economy into recession could have other benefits for us too. Attacking Ireland may be an unattractive option now, but when V2 comes along, there could be any number of possibilities:

1. Ireland COULD be more powerful than us - having a powerful neighbour full of hate for us would be bad. Having them in an economic hellhole would be ossim.

2. Maybe their medium iron would be valuable. Maybe we would need to attack them to help PHOENIX. Having them in an economic rut would help us take them easily.

3. They would not be able to afford as many MPPs.

4. It would just be plain cool.

That is why I urge our Prime Minister, GLaDOS, if he has decided not to invade Ireland, to talk to the many PHOENIX allies he has, to ask them all to trade embargo Ireland!

Also, our leader of PHOENIX, Dishmcds (a former eUK president, long-time thorn in Irelands side) could also ask countries to trade embargo Ireland.

Lets demonstrate our solidity as an alliance and as a nation.

Lets super-embargo Ireland!

Go UK!