The newspaper / Ziarul - She's got it

Day 342, 15:45 Published in Romania Romania by Hattor

Versiunea in limba romana mai jos.


Monday, 27th of November 2008. It used to be a certain day of this world, but you stop keeping track if the system doesn't. But let's not get into that.

I want a newspaper. A real one. I want my newspaper to have more articles and to be easy to browse through them without going with my scroll wheel like I want to catch 0 to 60 in under 1 second. I'd like a little side bar with the articles in a newspaper. Because I want more articles in a newspaper, otherwise there'd be a flow of information and it would be hard to grasp all that spam... ehm, all that important info. Lucky enough, the spam fell dramatically after v1 was launched. Gosh, I wonder why that is like that?

So, where was I? Ah yes... I want more articles in a newspaper. And I want to be able to set 2 variations for an article, in different language. For example, now you're reading in english, but for romanian you have to scroll until you reach the end of this article. And I hope the bold thingie works otherwise it would be hard to know when to stop scrolling.

But this isn't all. I'd like cathegories for newspapers. You can't put "The Times" and "Mickey Mouse" in the same pot. If there can't be different cathegories, how about a tag? So that I don't press to read an article promoting Channel no. 5 sales, or the daily question some dude has about how you press a button.

And parties should regain press releases. There's enough space on the media page to do that. And even on the front page. Just make the font for the shouts a little smaller. I know it's a shout. Seeing it on the whole page won't make me notice it better. It's there. Make it bold instead. I want more info on the front page. It's like the office page and I don't like my office having just the mail box and the window open to hear shouts.

And a little more resources to format the text would be nice. Like underlining text or making italic. Or choosing some fonts. No big deal, but Tahoma, Verdana, Times...

Thank you.

PS: scroll down for the last part of this newspaper. Will be worth your while. 🙂


Luni, 27 Noiembrie 2008. Obisnuia sa fie o anumita zi din cadrul acestei lumi, dar nu mai tii socoteala daca sistemul nu o mai face. Dar sa nu intram in lucrurile astea.

Eu vreau un ziar. Unul pe bune. Vreau ca ziarul meu sa fie cu mai multe articole si sa fie usor de navigat printre ele fara sa-mi stresez rotita de la mouse de parca vreau sa accelerez un motor pentru a depasi Ferarri'ul din fata. As dori un mic meniu in lateral cu articolele din cadrul ziarului. Pentru ca vreau mai multe articole intr-un ziar, altfel ar exista un flux de informatii imposibil de monitorizat si de prins tot acest spam... ehm, toata aceasta pleiada de mesaje importante. Din fericire, spam'ul a scazut dramatic de cand a fost lansat v1. Ma-ntreb oare de ce?

Asa, unde eram? Ah, da. Vreau mai multe articole intr-un ziar. Si vreau sa pot pune doua variante ale aceluiasi articol, in limbi diferite. Spre exemplu, acu' citesti in limba romana, si pentru asta a trebui sa tot tragi in jos de bara aia naspa din stanga pana aici. Si sper sa a mers textul bold altfel ti-a fost greu sa identifici unde incepe articolul in limba romana.

Dar asta nu-i tot. Vreau categorii pentru ziare. Nu poti pune "Jurnalul National" in aceeasi categorie cu... nu-mi vine-n minte un ziar de scandal... sau in aceeasi oala cu revistele de benzi desenate. Daca nu pot fi categorii diferite, macar sa fie etichete. Astfel ca nu ma apuc sa citesc anuntu' de promovare a unei pungi de faina sau gandurile despre ce camasa neagra sa poarte ziaristul care nu stie ce sa scrie.

Iar partidele ar trebui sa-si recapete conferintele de presa. Exista destul spatiu in pagina media pentru acest lucru. Si chiar si pe prima pagina. Scrisul pentru tipete ar putea fi mai mic. Stiu ca e un tipat. Daca sta pe toata pagina nu ma face sa-l indragesc mai mult. E acolo. Poate fi ingrosat in schimb. Vreau mai multa informatie pe prima pagina.E ca si cum ar fi pagina de birou si nu-mi place sa am in birou doar o cutie postala si geamul deschis pentru a auzi tipete.

Si cateva resurse in plus pentru a formata textul ar fi fainute. Cum ar fi sa subliniez textul, sau sa-l fac italic. Ah, si sa aleg fonturi. Nu prea mare varietate, dar Tahoma, Verdana, Times...


PS: varianta in engleza avea PS, dar aici nu prea-i nevoie pentru ca nu mai ai mult pana sa vezi ce-i jos.

Silvia Dimitrova

The lovely bulgarian, has it's current residence in eMaramures, Romania. She's been attracted by the great woods you can find here and is currently looking for some peace and quiet.
