The Indonesian War Proposal. What Does It mean?

Day 1,153, 19:07 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Dear all,

IMPORTANT NOTE : All citizens in tamil nadu, please move to safer regions - such as kerala or a region in the North. Indonesia will take out tamil nadu and you will all end up being in Indonesia and will require 2 moving tickets to move back to india!!!

Many of you must be wondering why Indonesia declared us as a natural enemy out of the blue? We have always had a pretty decent (if neutral) relation with Indonesia...not in the least owing to many cultural similarities in RL and also a respect for their great strategists. However, unfortunately Indonesia and india have always been on opposite sides of the fence in-game.

On the other hand, right from as far back as I can remember, India and China have been excellent friends and of late, even allies.

Thus, we have and always will stand by China, which is the reason Indonesia have had to declare war on us, as their target is China.

Please do not let this war invoke dirty comments or bad feelings amongst anyone. This should be looked upon as a chance for some fun and a chance to show off the best we can do - yes, I know, we will merely scratch the Indonesian armour, but the excitement of winning even a battle will be worth it 🙂

So, lets go forth and fight with honour!!!