The Government's Abuse of Power (Including chat log) Part One

Day 1,831, 05:31 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Earlier this evening I had written an article about how the Ranger Bob Government and how it was going okay, but failed at informing the nation accurately and with up-to-date information about PTOs.

Besides the usual trolls, I was expecting nothing much of it.

THEN, out of the blue, I got an email from an experienced player who had no links to the Green and Gold Party and to be honest, had nothing to gain from the information they would give me. In fact, I question that player why they were giving me this information.

They said... because like you I believe in doing things right for the right reasons, and I don't like tim Holtz.

They explained that... GnG had more members than ARP, so ARP members should of been asked to move rather than GnG members, so the decision was made to kick GnG out of top 5 deliberatly and Final result with no pto top 5 and no GnG was what was wanted and got by those with influence.

I will not reveal that source in the media. It is up to them and them alone to reveal themselves, if they wish.

OK, before we paste highlights from the log, let's try and use some logic to decide if the Green and Gold Party is a PTO threat.

By convention, a PTO threat is generally seen as a player from overseas, who is backed by multies or followers who will vote together.

The aim for them is to gain control of senate to rob the country accounts, not renew MPPs, possibly impeach the President and attack a larger country who would in turn invade.

For a PTO threat to work at Senate level, the party needs its candidate list full (or almost full) of those on the same wavelength as it's leader.

Correctly, the PPA and AIP were declared PTO threats as they carried multies, who if voted in, would form a block of votes for the PTO.

HOWEVER The Green and Gold Party cannot be a PTO under this theory.

WHY? If you had ANY understanding of Game Mechanics, look at the candidates for Senate... that's what matters - they are the ones who can vote!

See some familiar names?

If elected... would FORMER PRIME MINISTER be a PTO threat?

If elected... would FORMER MBP PRESIDENT be a PTO threat?

If elected... would I, a person who helped the ANP when it got PTOed, be a PTO threat?

I see Red Back a level 46 player, alland15 a level 47 player, Mr Crocodile who ran for President in the past all listed as possible candidates.

If the Green and Gold Party was a PTO threat, then all, I repeat all would have to vote together to create mayhem. BUT that's not going to happen is it?

No way, is the likes of Miss Wolf or H.Nelson or myself going to impeach Ranger or steal from the country accounts.

So this PTO myth is BUSTED.

The simple truth is (as will be shown in the logs) those behind the scenes had issues with Wingfield and Detroit.

The logs will show Ranger Bob was not happy with the alleged hate messaging that Detriot was doing. I asked Wingfield about this and his response was... Arthur Cole sent me a PM yesterday asking me if I'd get Detroit to stop his messaging. I rang Detroit and he agreed to stop. He really got angry about the communist bit. I know why in RL he was upset but that had to be stopped.

There is no doubt, there is a serious personality (and possibly ideology) clash between some members of the Government and some GGP members, but under convention does this make it a PTO? NO

What Ranger Bob can do is release a Government article condemning someone's view and/or actions, but disagreeing with those persons does not allow the Government to call it a Political Take Over.

Again, go back to the Logic section... is there clear evidence to show the senate candidates of the GGP would create a PTO of senate? No.

It's sad that a whole party was deemed "unfit to be elected" because the Government had issues with two members of that party.

Here's some highlights of the chat log from last night.

06:06:39: So anyway... Wingfield has the most to gain here... Senate PTO, Ranger impeached and guess who becomes CP....
06:06:48: are we REALLY sure he's a good guy?
06:07:00: cause he is doing a lot of work against the nation...
06:07:04: he was in south africa when their hungarian PToers were around
06:07:10: its pretty clear whats going on here
06:07:18: Wing field is ok, just has his own agenda
06:07:22: do we think the admins aren't gonna stop this?
06:07:33: you mean calling us all murderers MGBGuy ?
06:07:47: MGBGuy isn't up on that message
06:08:05: not the point though...
06:08:08: if your not a RL commie then forget it
06:08:14: I don't believe in coincidences
06:08:40: and if its not an ANP plot then something is rotten in denmark
06:08:42: >.>
06:08:43: its still low to call anyone a RL murderer in a game because of economic preference
Here we see the suggestion of the murderers message. I had not see it, but from my understanding (and happy to be corrected) it was Detroit who mentioned it. I agree, not cool at all - but does it scream PTO?
Wingfield was in South Africa as part of the Americans attempt to help out the nation AGAINST the PTO. I can vouch for that. I chatted with their President Ines a quite a number of times during that period (in fact she helped with eRepublik radio).

Next bit... CP of South Africa Had3z is in the room to chat...
06:19:30: Had3z... is there a connection between Wingfield and the Hungarian pto'ers?
06:19:52: Larni dusts off her old NSA Director uniform
06:19:53: Not that I am aware of put like he went on I am wondering myself
06:20:08: Larni nods
06:20:13: seems too convienent....
06:20:25: plus where ever he goes Hun PTOers follow
06:2😇4: mhmm
06:2😇5: hate communism
06:20:41: seems p hungarian
06:20:54: 1956 guys
Had3z isn't aware of Wingfield being a PTOer, but if he was, as shown in the logic section, there is no PTO candidates there.

You see at this point, the ATO squad are ASKING THE WRONG QUESTIONS. They are worried about the Party President, when they need to be looking at the CANDIDATES.

Part Two is here...

If you can't make it for part two, again ask yourself... are Miss Wolf and H.Nelson PTOers????