The Free-Thinking Party

Day 426, 06:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Empire Corporation

Admittedly when I decided to go off on my own and form a new party I was just doing it for a bit of fun. (Thus why you see Shadow as the CP Candidate. 😛) Though as I started thinking more and more about modern eUK politics I have noticed that all the major parties don’t seem to match my beliefs on how the UK should be governed or not governened as the case maybe. Lots of things have changed and new leaders have brought in diffrent visions. That’s not a bad thing mind it’s a good thing. More choice for the citizens of the United Kingdom on election day.

So what can a narcissistic old former President do if most political parties are not representing his views anymore? Why he starts a fresh new party of course. As I have been asked to do so by Relic over one thosand times since July. With this party I hope together with a few like minded individuals (Watch all the Party Members leave now. 😛 ) revive lost ideas, bake up some new ones and bring to the table a new recipe for the United Kingdom and the world. Which may seem like an old recipe but I swear I have added a few nuts to these cookies.

If you are interested in taking part in the building up of a new Free-Thinking “Revolution” then you can drop me a message, join the party and of course as always the eUK Forums. As nobody can really make an impact in the UK without joining them and getting involved.

Hopefully we’ll have a Party Mission and such drawn up by the end of the week. If not I’ve clearly not been procrasinating on my studies enough.

-Final Destiny: Party President of F-TP and Former UK President.

P.S: Next History article will be published on the 26th. Right after all the Congress Elections hullabaloo has calmed down in the media.