Thailand's Tyrant

Day 346, 23:18 Published in USA USA by Korbin King


It is one of the most precious resources, if not THE most precious resource a country has during it's formative days. Without it, a stable economy and a balanced political system cannot form. Regardless of good intentions, honest citizens cannot thrive in a trustless environment.

It is very easy for a band of miscreants to move into a developing nation and take control of it's government. We've seen this happen many times. Some of the countries were eventually restored with limited success. Some of them are still recovering.

Which brings me to Thailand. I won't pretend to know the in's and out's of it's political system or the who's who of it's social system. What I DO know is that there are Thai citizens that want to bring true democracy to Thailand (well, as true as Erepublik allows). To do this, they need more citizens. I don't mean warm bodies to do the clickin' decreed by the current "president". I mean real citizens. Individuals with their own agendas that are willing to work as a unit with other individuals to bring success and happiness to everyone involved. Can everyone be successful? Of course not. The point is that success is something to be earned, not bought or stolen.

If I were reading this article I would be asking myself, "What's in it for Korbin? Why is he promoting the democratic recovery of Thailand?" Truth be told…not a damn thing other than to see the underdogs triumph over eEvil. I enjoy watching tyranny overrun with organized and inspired people that want to make their corner of the world a better place. So in my opinion, this is a HUGE opportunity for Erepublik players that are bored and want to make their mark on this game.

The last thing that I want to do is deplete the good old USA of it's dedicated citizens, but you know what? We are chock full of 'em and boatloads of bright-eyed thrill seekers arrive in our great country every day. So I say, if you are looking for a more rewarding experience from this simulator and you are finding it difficult to push your way into the American spotlight, cash out your chips and buy a oneway ticket to Thailand. It may just prove to be the most difficult yet rewarding experience of your e-life. Who knows? You may even go down in Erepublik's history books as someone that helped deliver a nation to freedom.

- Korbin

"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly