What The eUK Deserves

Day 439, 05:29 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

I used to be in the UKRP. I'm not denying that, and I never will. And I'll be honest, I joined it because it was the biggest party and it was in power. However, instead of resorting to being a 2 clicker sheep voter, I joined the forums. I was inspired by the forums to get more active and to look around more. For people who don't know, the UKRP forums are (or were) the most boring place on the eUK forums. No one posted there, I set up threads to get activity going, no response. The response I got was limited from most of my posts, and from the same few people. I don't think it's right that out of a party of about 400 people, only about 10 are active on the forums. Most of their congressmen don't have forum accounts, and for all they bang on about all they've done, it's time for a change, and a great new government. This is why the other parties have formed a coalition, this is why we have united behind Final Destiny, not because we want total power, but because the eUK deserves better from government, it deserves better from all the inactive UKRP members that just sheep vote for their parties. It deserves to be restored as one of the greatest eNations. It deserves a greater leader than it currently has. The eUK deserves a Prime Minister like Final Destiny. That's why he has my vote.
IndieKid, Congressman and head of YCC