Stefan Dorunga for UKRP PP April 2009

Day 509, 02:15 Published in United Kingdom Romania by Stefan Dorunga

Good day everyone! (especially UKRPers).

I've been here for quite some time now(about 4-5 months) and I've spent time observing how things work. I was thoroughly impressed by what I saw and continue to be to this day when I am actively taking part in the goings on here. After seeing the quality of the people in this party I have decided to help maintain and raise this standard to the betterment of this party and nation.

The UKRP has for too long been considered the party of inactives, this being a common issue with the largest and most dominant parties in eRepublik. This problem occurs generally from growing hatred towards the majority party which causes good players to start hating it and choosing other parties in order to start their political careers. It does not matter how good the people in a party are if they are only a handful of excellent people, you need a solid base of new active and enthusiastic players that form the lifeblood of the party bringing in new ideas and points of view.

This main goal shall be fulfilled by initiating a strong recruitment drive, which I have not seen for quite some time, coupled with a mentoring system, probably the buddy system to allow us to mentor and recruit players that are under level 7. The way this will be done is through a massive amount of newspaper articles presenting the party inviting people to join and recruitment and mentorship of new players by messaging in-game to provide the eUK with a new generation of politicians capable of solving the future's problems. The image of the party must be rebuilt and bringing in fresh blood is probably the best way to do it.

In order to succeed we require better organisation in the party as a whole. We run this country within a very rigid structure, yet there is nothing similar within the party to ensure it's continual and efficient working. I shall divide responsibility and give enough authority to people that prove their willingness to work in order to allow them to take a more active role in the party and be able to implement and test their ideas. I will not go further into completely laying out an organisational chart as I will work this out either when I'm elected or together with Arthur if he is elected.

Another issue to be tackled is our current political semi-inactivity. Regarding our congressmen, I will make it mandatory for them to have a manifesto or at least some form of presentation no matter what and require that they be active, otherwise they shall be discarded as official party candidates through an in-game article where I will request that people not vote for them. Promoting activity should be continued even after elections by either removing support for now and future elections and maybe removing their access to congress if they miss more than half a term. To this effect I will also push for legislation that will allow removal of access from Commons of uninterested and heavily inactive congressmen as it is a sensible security breach and a drain on our public image. Even if this means having less power in congress I believe it will strengthen our image in the long run.

The most important and final issue is that of our CP elections candidate. I believe that the largest party not having a candidate is highly irresponsible, no offence to funky, what he did was fully understandable and democratically sustained, but I believe that, no matter what, a candidate must be fielded, be it one great candidate, or a reasonable one with a team of advisors. It is up to the general public to decide whether he is a meritous candidate or a worthless one, it is our duty to represent with our best candidate. Not having one further deepens our image as an party of inactives and the lack of valuable people, which could not be farther from the truth. That being said next month will not be without a CP candidate, that I can guarantee.

Also in conformance with my firm belief that good ideas come from all parties I will support and initiate talks in order to form political alliances that are both acceptable and fruitful and also as a safeguard against anti-UKRP coalitions. This will hopefully form the basis of long-term co-operation and provide a framework of trust that will allow us to form new ideas without fear of irrational opposition.

Am I experienced enough for this role? I can't say, but I promise to accept criticism and advice and to grow on the input I get from all party members. I am willing to work together with anyone who wants a part in the future of the party.

Thank you for reading this, and hopefully whoever wins will further the party's strength and image. I look forward to working with Arthur no matter the turn of events and hope for an interesting month ahead.