Statement of Beliefs on the House of Lords.

Day 423, 04:05 Published in United Kingdom India by Tommy Tommasino

These are my PERSONAL beliefs and do NOT REPRESENT MY PARTY.

1. The House of Lords is unelected, holds great power over legislation and apart from resignation a post there lasts indefinitely. This gives an unelected few indefinite control over eUK legislation.

2. The House of Lords in its current form delays legislation - they can veto a proposal and send it back to commons, sometimes delaying decision-making by days. They say this is to make necessary edits, but there is no reason why they cannot propose these edits to legislation either in Public Discussion, or in House of Commons if granted access (without voting rights) which would terminate all delays but still allow for their suggestions to be heard.

3. The House of Lords is not representative - everyone can agree on that. Although the Lords have all contributed to eUK and are there for a reason - experience - this does not mean that their views are the same as public opinion. eRepublik is a game, it should be for the majority to decide, not for an unelected few to hold this undemocratic, unrepresentative power that seems to have no end.

4. A Prime Minister gets one veto a month. This veto could be really important to stop a piece of damaging legislation from getting through. Currently to make any amendment to the Lords it would probably require use of this veto since most Lords appear adamantly against any change.

5. Some Lords (not all!) have renounced opinion from in-game, citing that many of the in-game public are un-informed. The same members of the second chamber renounced data from 2 in-forum polls (one on the current forums, one on the previous) which BOTH concluded that the majority opinion is that the House of Lords needs some kind of reform (there was not consensus on what type of reform however).

6. To sum up I think it is an elitist power-holding club that should not and cannot continue in its current form. It is detrimental and merely delays due process in its current form. There is NO REASON why the proposals of change to legislation it makes cannot be done before the discussion has ended in the commons.

Certain forum members will of course continue to unrelentingly cast aside my views and opinions citing inexperience, attention seeking, whatever else. I feel that there is a large element of bias going down, and that over aggressive defense of the Lords is putting people off entering the debate. Casting aside peoples ideas, views and opinions in public 'discussion' is a grave error. New players may well be put off contributing and giving their opinions if they think they will simply be cast aside by certain individuals who are authority figures. Especially if these opinions appear to have the backing currently of around 36 citizens on forums.

I will be petitioning congressmen to support the proposal (see forums for full wording), though ask the public for further support as it is easy to be drowned out.

*once again this is completely independent of the MDU and does not represent the views of the party.

Thanks to anyone who has supported me in the debates. I'm currently in eUSA learning about their political system. Back soon!


Until a few days ago I was overwhelmingly in favour of the HoL. I still think we need to keep it. But the behaviour of some of the Lords over the last few days has been so shockingly rude and dismissive of any outside opinion to make me wonder if they don't have too much power. Checks on the Government are needed and an experienced legislative body is a good thing but completely dismissing the views of so many people is incredibly short-sighted. ''

With the best will in the world Lords are still going to a vested interest in reform of the HoL, Lords giving the commons advice on any possible reform is fine but having a say powerful enough to veto it as asking for trouble. ''

On the subject of the public opinion poll (forums):
Excuses against this blooming poll are getting even more and more ridiculous ''

I really wasn't too bothered one way or the other about the HoL, until a group hijacked the threads and started flaming. Suddenly I am concerned about the level of maturity of some of our Lords. Do I really want all legislation to have to be agreed on by them, when they can't even hold a debate without getting petty? ''