Some announcements from the awesomeness of HrBjorn

Day 756, 00:51 Published in Denmark Bulgaria by HrBjorn

Hell yeah, HrBjorn is doing pretty nice over here. In the military and shit, getting free guns, fighting Indo's and all that.

Man the US Military is weird. Like, when HrBjorn got enrolled they asked HrBjorn about his donation list "Why did you donate 17 gold to crillep?" and even weirder "Can we expect your answer being in third person?"

WHAT?! What does that have to do with HrBjorn wanting to fight. Goddammit. "We're thorough". Hell yeah you are. Even want HrBjorn to write your manufacturing, land and construction skills. What do you need those for?

Anyways. For some kind of reason HrBjorn apparantly have been known now to semi-PTO parties. How that have happened he got no clue about.
But anyways, what he want's you guys to do, not to help him, god no, he doesn't care about your parties right now. But to help Denmark, because he do still care about the big D, is voters from Grev Per Rules, HrBjorn Drools and HrBjorn Rocks Party 3 to change party to HrBjorn is bad and vote for Nero Superbus, HrBjorn knows. He is a cummie, but at least he ain't one of the PTO serbs.

So recap, US Military is ridicoulous, and vote Nero Superbus in HrBjorn is bad for party president, to still keep the parties all out danish. Oh yeah.